Date posted

25 May 2016


Last updated

14 June 2022

Sabina contacted the Alopecia UK charity, who put her in touch with other women who had lost hair, and she listened to their stories.

She realised she could use her project to raise awareness of alopecia and the misery it can cause.

She came up with five interactive items of clothing and accessories, which she felt showed her journey from concealing her alopecia to revealing it.

Sabina made a cape, a dress, a necklace and glasses, and created posters to go with the designs.

She said: “The pieces I have made represent the armour we have to wear in our battle with alopecia, while the film is my story. I hope it will help raise awareness of the condition and help other women.”

Sabina received a grant from the Student Grant Initiative to help towards the cost of materials for the project.

Watch Sabina's film here: