This category provides information relating to Edinburgh Napier University's mechanisms for supporting the commercialisation of outputs from its research activities.

Support arrangements

This describes how the University supports commercialisation of the knowledge generated by its research activities. This includes, but is not limited to: 
  • advice and counsel in the preparation of funding applications 
  • assistance in market assessment and evaluation 
  • support in the assessment of intellectual property including the carrying out of patent searches 
  • advice on securing appropriate protection for intellectual property 
  • where appropriate, investment in protection of intellectual assets 
  • access to the University's intellectual assets by way of technology licences 
  • support and advice on the costing and pricing of commercial work 
  • provision of contract management expertise 
  • advocacy on behalf of academic staff with funders in support of bid preparation 
  • where appropriate, negotiation on behalf of academic staff with prospective investors interested in contributing to the further commercial development of intellectual assets 
  • via the University's membership of Connect Scotland, access to external networks of specialist advisers and counsel 
  • via the University's membership of the Intermediate Technology Institutes, access to the ITI's market assessment work 
  • where appropriate, assistance in the drafting of business plans including financial modelling, IP management, market assessment, marketing evaluation, team building and other areas 
  • on occasion, provision of seed corn funding to assist in the establishment of spin out companies
For further information on research and knowledge transfer see the internal research intranet pages and Research website.


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Contact information 

Information about the University's commercialisation activities can be found on the Commercialisation intranet pages or requested by emailing


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Commercialisation funding 

This section covers statistical information on the major sources of the University's funding for commercialisation and knowledge transfer. This includes data about the level of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) Knowledge Transfer Grant and any other formulaic / non-formulaic SFC grants from commercialisation and knowledge transfer. See the research website for more information about other major sources of funding.


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Commercialisation resources 

The information covered under this category includes a description of University facilities and resources for supporting commercialisation activity for example Incubator facilities, science parks etc. This information can be requested by email to


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Commercialisation outcomes 

Statistical information about the University's commercialisation of its research activities is covered under this category. Available statistical information about patent applications and awards, licenses granted, spinout and start-up company formation, may be obtained by email to


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Consultancy services 

This category covers consultancy services. For more details about consultancies and the support we can offer email us at


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