Research Output
A social shaping perspective on an e-Governmental system(ic) failure.
  The paper that follows is concerned with the communities of interest (or actor networks) and communities of practice that articulate the delivery of e-government services, and with the discourse formations that shape the delivery of e-government services in the UK. The approach adopted within this paper is based on historical reconstruction and discourse analysis. This suggests that the delivery of an integrated and accountable e-government apparatus is a non-trivial objective for system developers, and that the overall complexity of such a development has been, and is grossly underestimated.

  • Date:

    30 November 2004

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • Library of Congress:

    JN101 Great Britain


Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2004). A social shaping perspective on an e-Governmental system(ic) failure. In R. Traunmüller (Ed.), Electronic Government, 186-193.



e-government services; discourse; communities of interest;

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