Research Output
Analysis of Croatian and Scottish students’ attitudes towards E-learning.
  During the last decade e-learning
has become a widely accepted and commonly
used educational tool. The main aim of our
paper was to compare students’ attitudes
towards e-learning in Croatia and Scotland, and
also to identify two relatively homogeneous
groups of students according to their
perceptions. T-tests and cluster analysis, in a
data mining context, were used in this study and
results confirm that Scottish students generally
perceive their e-learning opportunities more
positively than their Croatian counterparts. Such
inter-university research studies are important
because they enable a more realistic view of
students’ e-learning adoption to be reached and
should therefore be implemented regularly

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • Library of Congress:

    LB2300 Higher Education


Dukic, D. & Penny, K. I. (2010). Analysis of Croatian and Scottish students’ attitudes towards E-learning. In Proceedings of the ITI 2011 33rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI),, 257-262. ISBN 978-1-61284-897-6



E-learning; cluster analysis; comparison; data mining; students' attitudes; t-test;

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