Research Output
Sketching concatenative synthesis: audiovisual Isomorphism in reduced modes.
  This paper presents a prototype allowing the control of a
concatenative synthesis algorithm using a 2D sketching
interface. The design of the system is underpinned by a
preliminary discussion in which isomorphisms between
auditory and visual phenomena are identified. We support
that certain qualities of sound and graphics are inherently
cross-modal. Following this reasoning, a mapping
strategy between low-level auditory and visual features
was developed. The mapping enables the selection of
audio units based on five feature data streams that derive
from the statistical analysis of the sketch

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Tsiros, A., LePlâtre, G. & Smyth, M. (2011). Sketching concatenative synthesis: audiovisual Isomorphism in reduced modes. In 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 409-507



Concatenative synthesis algorithm; isomorphisms; 2D sketching interface;

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