Benzies Foundation
  The company is looking for an innovative means of creating a permanently installed communication system that visually enhances the building, can adaptively communicate and that is sensitive to the site. The solution must engage the wider community through its adaptive applications and will be achieved by the means of cutting-edge technological approaches. The designed solutions should propose opportunities for public engagement and understanding of ongoing projects, site uses, events and in a way that the local community can make use of. The solution must adapt to the environment, both in terms of internal opportunities and events, promoting the activity of the space, and externally as a subtle and inventive place-making tool that supports wider activities of the surrounding area. The solution must be sensitive to its location in a world heritage site and yet apply innovative interaction and place-making; enhancing the internal and external activities and building a sense of community ownership.

  • Start Date:

    1 February 2016

  • End Date:

    30 November 2016

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Funder:

    Scottish Funding Council

  • Value:


Project Team