Diabetes Education for Adults with Learning Disabilities with Type 2 Diabetes and their Carers (Diabetes UK)
  The impact of poor diet and lack of exercise can have a fundamental and negative impact on those with a learning disability. Although interventions and preventative measures against heart disease and conditions such as diabetes are clear government health priorities for the general population, people with learning disabilities do not obtain equal access to services appropriate to their specific needs.

This research will contribute to developing an understanding of health behaviours that are associated with diabetes in people with learning disabilities. This fits with the intention of the Scottish Diabetes Framework to design services appropriate for individuals in vulnerable groups.

This investment will aim to:

1. Obtain information about the numbers of people with learning disabilities
2. Understand and describe the characteristics of people with learning disabilities who have diabetes. This will include the characteristics, decision making ability, physical and mental health status and knowledge of diabetes.
3. Understand how people with learning disabilities, their carers and services manage the care of people with diabetes.

  • Start Date:

    1 October 2012

  • End Date:

    28 February 2016

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Value:


Project Team