Employee Demand for Skills Development
  The UK Commission for Employment and Skills commissioned the ERI and WM Enterprise to undertake a review of research evidence and policy around individuals’ demand for (and participation in) skills development activities. A final report will assess key trends in access to and participation in skills development activities, identify good practice in promoting skills upgrading among lower skilled workers, and make recommendations for future policy. Praxis Discussion:  Praxis discussion: Edition 3 of Praxis: ‘An appetite for learning: increasing employee demand for skills development’ In ‘An Appetite for Learning’ Ron McQuaid, Colin Lindsay and Steve Johnson explore the policy implications of research undertaken for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills on how to stimulate greater demand for learning amongst employed people and in particular low skilled workers. It seeks to answer two key questions: what stops people from demanding access to and engaging in learning and what can be done to increase demand? The authors argue that to effectively engage the UK workforce in lifelong learning we need better quality and integrated information, advice and guidance (IAG) and financial support; flexible provision; and a greater use of peer-based support systems. And all this should be in the context of a (more) stable institutional landscape, and strengthened by actions that clearly demonstrate and communicate the benefits of learning to individuals. Successful adult learning policy in the UK must above all address "generalised cultural attitudes" that can prevent certain groups of people from participating in learning. This paper aims to start a conversation with our stakeholders about how we can increase the levels of demand among the UK workforce for opportunities to learn and develop. Download Praxis No.3 here or on Praxis website.  

  • Start Date:

    1 October 2008

  • End Date:

    1 May 2009

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Value:


Project Team