Gordon Russell
Gordon Russell

Dr Gordon Russell

Associate Professor


Gordon is an Associate Professor in the Cyber Security and Networking group, which has a successful portfolio of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and around 15 staff. His main research interests focus on Cryptography, Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.
Currently the Recruitment Lead in the group, he was also the head of subject for 6 years. He also leads on a NCSC certified Cyber Security Higher Apprenticeships scheme. He has led in the development of the NCSC certified MSc Advanced Security and Digital Forensics, including introducing new modes of study including distance learning.  Along with this Gordon led the development of the MSc Advanced Security and Cybercrime, which provides distance learning opportunities for postgraduate studies. He project manages the BSc Cyber Higher Apprenticeship degree in the School.
Gordon has also involved in The Cyber Academy in the University, which aims to disseminate cyber intelligence at both a national and international level, with current links in Europe to law enforcement. He is currently an external examiner at the University of Bedfordshire.
Gordon has a strong international reputation, which has been built on innovative teaching and virtualization environments, such as LinuxZoo. His current research work investigates decrypting messages using keys extracted from active virtual machines, forensic triage techniques to improve the speed of forensics analysis, and detecting cyber attacks on industrial systems including public water supplies.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of the Technical Expert Group for Cyber Security apprenticeships


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner at Bedfordshire University
  • External Examiner at Northumbria University



58 results

Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Ramsay, B., Macfarlane, R., Smales, A., & Russell, G. (2015, June)
Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment. Paper presented at UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education, Liverpool
This paper outlines evaluation of running a private Cloud-based system over two semesters at Edinburgh Napier University for two modules: Security Testing and Advanced Network...

Security issues of a publicly accessible cloud computing infrastructure.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G., & Macfarlane, R. (2012)
Security issues of a publicly accessible cloud computing infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012), 1210-1216. https://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2012.259
Edinburgh Napier University runs a custom cloud computing infrastructure for both student and public use. Such access carries dangers, both reputational and legal, as accident...

Creation of an online virtual Cisco router learning environment.

Conference Proceeding
Rietsche, R., Russell, G., & Karduck, A. P. (2011)
Creation of an online virtual Cisco router learning environment. In Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2011)https://doi.org/10.2316/P.2011.734-045
Online learning environments are an important aspect to many University courses. They allow flexibility in student approaches, and permit students from a range of backgrounds ...

SQL Hacks. Tips and tools for digging into your data.

Cumming, A., & Russell, G. (2007)
SQL Hacks. Tips and tools for digging into your data. O'Reilly
...SQL Hacks reveals the secrets that database experts use to dig through their data and get the answers they need. It includes 100 hacks for sorting, sifting, shuffling, and ...

Online assessment and checking of SQL: detecting and preventing plagiarism.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G. & Cumming, A. (2005)
Online assessment and checking of SQL: detecting and preventing plagiarism. ISBN 0-9541927-8-8
The automatic checking of online assessments and tutorials offers a significant advantage to students. Such students can work out-of-hours, from home or work, managing their o...

Automatic checking of SQL: Computerised grading.

Journal Article
Cumming, A. & Russell, G. (2005)
Automatic checking of SQL: Computerised grading. IntInternational Journal of Learning: Annual Review. 12, 127-134. ISSN 1447-9494
Undergraduates are taught the database language SQL using internet based tools. The managed learning environment includes assessment.

Improving the student learning experience for SQL using automatic marking.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G., & Cumming, A. (2004)
Improving the student learning experience for SQL using automatic marking. In D. Kinshuk, G. Sampson, & P. Isaías (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 281-288
An online interactive learning environment which offers immediate feedback to student learning SQL was constructed. This has supported the gathering of interesting statistics ...

A universal character model and ontology of defined terms for taxonomic description.

Conference Proceeding
Paterson, T., Kennedy, J., Pullan, M. R., Cannon, A., Armstrong, K. E., Watson, M. F., …Russell, G. (2004)
A universal character model and ontology of defined terms for taxonomic description. In E. Rahm (Ed.), Proceedings of Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS), 63-78
Taxonomists classify biological specimens into groups (taxa) on the basis of similarities between their observed features (characters). The description of these characters is ...

A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions.

Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Raguenaud, C., Russell, G., Armstrong, K. E., MacDonald, S. M., …Kennedy, J. (2003)
A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions
Taxonomy has been described as “the science of documenting biodiversity”, which involves collecting, naming, describing, identifying and classifying specimens of organisms (Ke...

The Prometheus II Description Model: an objective approach to representing taxonomic descriptions

Working Paper
MacDonald, S. M., Raguenaud, C., Pullan, M. R., Kennedy, J., Russell, G., & Watson, M. F. The Prometheus II Description Model: an objective approach to representing taxonomic descriptions

MacDonald, S. M., Raguenaud, C., Pullan, M. R., Kennedy, J., Russell, G., & Watson, M. F. The Prometheus II Description Model: an objective approach to representing taxonomic descriptions
A model for improving the storage and communication of plant descriptions is presented. The model is flexible and yet reduces the ambiguity often present in text descriptions....

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