James Blake
James Blake

Dr James Blake

Associate Professor


James Blake is the Head of Media and Humanities at Edinburgh Napier University.

James started his professional career in television as an ITN trainee in London in 1998. After this he worked on the ITV News at Ten before he was appointed as a specialist Home Affairs Producer for Channel 4 News where he also produced a Dispatches documentary for Channel 4. He became a Channel 4 News reporter in 2007 and covered stories ranging from terrorism, human rights, asylum, mental health issues, youth justice and the courts. He has also worked as a reporter and programme producer for STV News and the STV Scotland Tonight current affairs programme.


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Collaborating with David Hume Institute on Media Elitism in Scotland and “Politicians and professionals 2016” event.
  • RSE working group on BBC Charter Renewal
  • Invited external expert, Validation panel, INTI Malaysia (Subang and Penang) BA Mass Communications
  • Council member, Broadcast Journalism Training Council
  • Invited to give evidence to Edinburgh City Council committee on media provision in the City.


Conference Organising Activity

  • MeCCSA presentation
  • Participation in German symposium
  • Chaired panel debate on Brexit and HE


Editorial Activity

  • Peer reviewer, Participations journal


External Examining/Validations

  • BA Mass Communications, University of Hertfordshire, Penang University Malaysia
  • BA Mass Communications, University of Hertfordshire, Subang University, Malaysia


Fellowships and Awards

  • Winner, Two BAFTA Mental Health media awards for 2 Channel 4 News films on vulnerable young offenders & children in care.
  • Winner, International Bar Legal reporting award (“Judges in the Dock” Channel 4 Dispatches)


Invited Speaker

  • EU Network of Young Academies
  • Research presentation and workshop
  • Talk at Edinburgh International Science Festival on Future of TV
  • Invited to present to BBC Audience Council of Scotland on the BBC Charter Renewal process.
  • Presented “Stereotypes and identity: the UK reporting of Africa” part of the Africa/UK Journalism Education Initiative conference at the University of Bedfordshire.
  • “Media Coverage of Mental Health in UK” invited by British Paediatric Mental Health Group (BPMHG) to present at their annual conference in Highgate House, Northampton.
  • “HE involvement in the creative process”. Accepted to present research findings at the AHRC Creative Economy conference at Birmingham City University.


Media Activity

  • Featured on ITV News on the Glasgow Clutha helicopter tragedy
  • Invited on BBC Radio Scotland GMS during Edinburgh book festival to talk about media and covering Afghanistan and terrorism.
  • Leading workshop/ training session at BBC Scotland “Fast Train” event with the BBC Academy
  • Published a number of articles for The Conversation during 2015.
  • Scotland/China event organiser and presented to a visit of the Chinese Central Media Group to Edinburgh during the State visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the UK during October 2015.
  • Chair, “The Rangers Story”. Public debate between Alex Thomson (Chief Correspondent, Channel 4 News and Mark Daley, Investigations reporter for BBC Scotland). 11/11/12


Membership of Professional Body

  • Treasurer, RSE Young Academy Scotland
  • Trustee, RSE SCIO


Public Engagement Activity

  • Helped organise and will present at special RSE outreach media event at Kilwinning Academy, Irvine (February 2016)



11 results

Simulating Experiences of Displacement and Migration: Developing Immersive and Interactive Media Forms Around Factual Narratives

Journal Article
Blake, J. N. (2019)
Simulating Experiences of Displacement and Migration: Developing Immersive and Interactive Media Forms Around Factual Narratives. International Journal of E-Politics, 10(1), 49-60. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijep.2019010104
Immigration is a highly politicised and emotive area of public discourse. During the peak of the so-called ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Europe, a number of EU politicians and mass medi...

Our Future Scotland

Digital Artefact
Blake, J. (2018)
Our Future Scotland. [Video and online digital content]
The 'Our Future Scotland' film project was commissioned by the Scotland’s Futures Forum at the Scottish Parliament in early 2018 and was designed to engage people to share the...

Second Screen interaction in the cinema: Experimenting with transmedia narratives and commercialising user participation

Journal Article
Blake, J. (2017)
Second Screen interaction in the cinema: Experimenting with transmedia narratives and commercialising user participation. Participations: International Journal of Audience Reception Studies, 14(2), 526-544
In its relatively short life, second screen interaction has evolved into a variety of forms of viewer engagement. The practice of using two screens concurrently has become com...

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?

Blake, J. (2017)
Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland
This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE You...

The creative Industries: recasting Scotland's relationship with Europe

Blake, J. (2017)
The creative Industries: recasting Scotland's relationship with Europe. Edinburgh: Royal Society of Edinburgh
This article analyses the likely impact that Brexit will have on the creative industries in Scotland. The study focuses on three main areas: the movement of people, Creative ...

Television and the Second Screen

Blake, J. (2016)
Television and the Second Screen. Routledge
This book examines an emerging and fast evolving phenomena: that a growing number of people engage with two screens whilst watching television. It seems a simple concept – unt...

Personalised TV ads are the future – but is it time to panic?

Blake, J. (2015)
Personalised TV ads are the future – but is it time to panic?
TV Advertising is evolving quickly. This article examines how the popularity of viewing content on mobile platforms is changing the way we advertise. VOD and OTT media servi...

Mobile Platforms and monetising the Second Screen.

Working Paper
Blake, J. (2015)
Mobile Platforms and monetising the Second Screen
Discussion paper commissioned by the RSE for its official working group on BBC Charter Renewal. The paper sought to investigate evolving mobile digital platforms and audience...

What was missing from the relaunch of Medium?

Blake, J. (2015)
What was missing from the relaunch of Medium?
A commissioned article for the Conversation website on the innovative publishing platform Medium and a comparison with other established social media sites.

Little reason to smile as Iannucci lays bare the tension between BBC and Tories.

Blake, J. (2015)
Little reason to smile as Iannucci lays bare the tension between BBC and Tories
Studying the impact of Armando Iannucci's McTaggart Lecture on the debate over the future of public service broadcasting in the UK.

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