Research Output
Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health
  Probiotics are living microorganisms which when dispensed in sufficient quantities are claimed to bestow benefits in terms of health on the host. The World Health Organization defines a probiotic as any living microorganism that produces a health benefit when ingested. Probiotics added to products by manufacturers are required to survive the hostile acid and bile of the upper gastro-intestinal tract, with several probiotic strains investigated to ascertain health benefits. For example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus reuteri and Saccharomyces boulardii. The Colony Forming Unit informs us how much probiotic a particular food product contains and what in fact will be available for use by the human body. Probiotics are believed to boost immune function, inhibit growth of harmful bacteria and increase resistance to some infections and disease-causing bacteria. In a non-pharmaceutical capacity, probiotic rich recipes help: Improve the health of the childbearing woman's gastro-intestinal tract, Alleviate allergies and asthma, and Facilitate the reproductive and urinary tract.

  • Date:

    30 May 2018

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    RG Gynecology and obstetrics

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics & geriatrics

  • Funders:

    Edinburgh Napier Funded


Hollins Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2018). Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health. In C. R. Martin, & D. Larkin (Eds.), Probiotics in Mental Health (42-54). (1). Boca Raton: CRC Press



Probiotics, microorganisms, intestinal bacteria, maternity care, consuption,

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