Research Output
Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom.
  Veterinary nursing is now a well recognise professional route in the UK. There is considerable capacity within the industry to increase the number of veterinary nurses employed. As the veterinary care sector of the economy continues to expand the role of veterinary nurses under the direction of veterinary surgeons is predicted to grow. The need to train veterinary nurses to the highest standard accredited by the RCVS at both Diploma and Degree levels will continue to increase to meet this demand.

  • Date:

    14 November 2015

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    LB2300 Higher Education


Smith, D., & Copper, B. (2015). Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom



Veterinary nurse education; professionalism; veterinary nurse role;

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