13 results

Realising the value of RiLIES: the research in librarianship impact evaluation study

Presentation / Conference
Cruickshank, P., Hall, H. & Taylor-Smith, E. (2012, May)
Realising the value of RiLIES: the research in librarianship impact evaluation study. Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, Republic of Ireland
In 2011 researchers at Edinburgh Napier University, supported by the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition, investigated the extent to which funded research pr...

Enhancing the impact of LIS research projects

Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Taylor-Smith, E. (2011)
Enhancing the impact of LIS research projects. Edinburgh: Research Information Network
This report covers extent to which funded research projects in the domain of library and information science (LIS) influence practice in the UK. It focuses particularly on ide...

Ontology definition and construction, and epistemological adequacy for systems interoperability: a practitioner analysis.

Journal Article
Lumsden, J., Hall, H., & Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Ontology definition and construction, and epistemological adequacy for systems interoperability: a practitioner analysis. Journal of Information Science, 37(3), 246-253. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551511401804
Ontology development is considered to be a useful approach to the design and implementation of interoperable systems. This literature review and commentary examines the curren...
8 results

Centre for Social Informatics researchers report on the long-term value of networking grants

15 February 2018
The Journal of Documentation has recently accepted a journal article by Centre for Social Informatics researchers that considers the long-term value and impact of AHRC network grant funding.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ASIST2017 in Washington DC

30 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics participated at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2017) in Washington DC on 30th October 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ECIL 2017

20 September 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) in St Malo, France, in September 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute nine papers to i3 2017

27 June 2017
Staff and research students from the Centre for Social Informatics presented nine papers at Information: interactions and impact (i3) in June 2017.

Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement: project findings

19 March 2017
Researchers in the Centre for Social Informatics have released findings of the Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement (IL-DEM) project.

Generation X, personal reputation and social media: new research published

7 December 2016
The work of a team from the Centre for Social Informatics on the evaluation and management of personal reputations using online information has just been published in Information Research (one of the ...

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ISIC 2016

20 September 2016
The Centre for Social Informatics made a number of contributions to the Information Seeking in Context conference 2016 (#ISIC2016) in Zadar, Croatia between 20th and 23rd September 2016.

Centre for Social Informatics contribution to iDocQ 2016

23 June 2016
Staff and research students from the Centre for Social Informatics made a number of contributions at iDocQ 2016 in Glasgow on 23rd June 2016.