Agile Implementation and Expansive Learning: Identifying Contradictions and Their Resolution Using an Activity Theory Perspective
Conference Proceeding
Chita, P., Cruickshank, P., Smith, C., & Richards, K. (2020)
Agile Implementation and Expansive Learning: Identifying Contradictions and Their Resolution Using an Activity Theory Perspective. In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming. , (3-19).
A key challenge organisations face when transitioning to agile delivery methods is that of quickly and effectively learning new ways of working. This study posits that fundame...
The Social Impact of Digital Youth Work: What Are We Looking For?
Journal Article
Pawluczuk, A., Webster, G., Smith, C., & Hall, H. (2019)
The Social Impact of Digital Youth Work: What Are We Looking For?. Media and Communication, 7(2), 59-68.
Digital youth work is an emerging field of research and practice which seeks to investigate and support youth-centred digital literacy initiatives. Whilst digital youth work p...
Democratic Participation through Crocheted Memes.
Conference Proceeding
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C. F., & Smyth, M. (2018)
Democratic Participation through Crocheted Memes. In SMSociety '18 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society, (178-186).
In a UK city, various crocheted protest banners have appeared, containing political statements concerning planned developments in their locations. Photos of these banners are ...
Youth digital participation: Measuring social impact
Journal Article
Pawluczuk, A., Webster, G., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2020)
Youth digital participation: Measuring social impact. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 3-15.
Current scholarly debate around digital participatory youth projects and approaches to their evaluation are examined in this article. The analysis of the literature presented ...
Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating ‘Ba’ within a platform for public sector professionals
Journal Article
Buunk, I., Smith, C. F., & Hall, H. (2019)
Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating ‘Ba’ within a platform for public sector professionals. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 1134-1145.
Presented in this article are some findings from a study which investigates tacit knowledge sharing and social media use. The results reported here derive from a survey comple...
Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality
Presentation / Conference
Pawluczuk, A., Smith, C., Webster, G., & Hall, H. (2018, March)
Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality. Paper presented at Transmedia Literacy International Conference, Barcelona, Spain
Purpose: This paper presents empirical research, which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive, and evaluate, the social impact of their work. There is currently a re...
Skills in Sight: How Social Media Affordances Increase Network Awareness
Conference Proceeding
Buunk, I., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2017)
Skills in Sight: How Social Media Affordances Increase Network Awareness. In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2017
The discussion in this paper derives from an analysis of data from twenty interviews conducted with members of an online knowledge sharing platform between October 2016 and Fe...
Getting unstuck: Information problem solving in high school STEM students and evidence of metacognitive knowledge
Presentation / Conference
Richter, T., Muir, L., Flint, T., Hall, H. & Smith, C. (2017, June)
Getting unstuck: Information problem solving in high school STEM students and evidence of metacognitive knowledge. Paper presented at i3- information: interactions and impact, Aberdeen, Scotland
This presentation reports the initial findings from an ongoing empirical study which aims to evaluate how students seek, use, and think about information when they encounter p...
Tacit knowledge sharing: the determination of a methodological approach to explore the intangible
Journal Article
Buunk, I., Hall, H., & Smith (F), C. (2017)
Tacit knowledge sharing: the determination of a methodological approach to explore the intangible. Information Research, 22(1),
Introduction. Research design should take into account both (a) the specific nature of the object under scrutiny, and (b) approaches to its study in the past. This is to ensur...