Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society
Ryan, B., Cruickshank, P., & Milosheva, M. (2023)
Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society. Media and Information Literacy Alliance
This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on the impact of information literacy (IL) on society. It is intended to deliver considerations on how acad...
New information literacy horizons: Making the case for career information literacy
Conference Proceeding
Milosheva, M., Hall, H., Robertson, P., & Cruickshank, P. (2022)
New information literacy horizons: Making the case for career information literacy. In Information literacy in a post-truth era: 7th European Conference, ECIL 2021 (online), September 20–23, 2021, revised selected papers (239-252).
A literature review on the broad theme of information literacy and work was undertaken between January and April 2021 as part of an on-going doctoral study. The purpose of the...
The socio-material nature of careers work: An exploration of knowledge co-creation amongst career practitioners
Presentation / Conference
Milosheva, M., Hall, H., Robertson, P., Cruickshank, P., & Lyall, C. (2021, March)
The socio-material nature of careers work: An exploration of knowledge co-creation amongst career practitioners. Poster presented at iConference 2021, Beijing, China
While knowledge co-creation is a main source of innovation in organisations, little is known about the co-creation of knowledge in career settings, particularly in the context...