Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries
Digital Artefact
Feeney, D. (2024)
Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries. [Blog]
Much work within public libraries is required to turn implicit information literacy knowledge into explicit information literacy practice. This blog post discusses this issue...
‘New Clicks’: Developing User-Led Digital Literacies in Older Adults Within Scottish Public Libraries
Conference Proceeding
Feeney, A. J. (2024)
‘New Clicks’: Developing User-Led Digital Literacies in Older Adults Within Scottish Public Libraries. In European Conference on Information Literacy (121-129).
Research details that our present ‘digital-by-default' society structurally supports inequalities, where users without the requisite skills to enable meaningful eng...
Library catalogue’s search interface: Making the most of subject metadata
Journal Article
Golub, K., Gnoli, C., Haynes, D., Salaba, A., Shiri, A., & Slavic, A. (in press)
Library catalogue’s search interface: Making the most of subject metadata. Knowledge Organization,
This article addresses the underutilization of knowledge organization systems (KOS) elements in online library catalogues, hindering effective subject-based search and discove...
An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil
Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2023)
An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil. Journal of Information Literacy, 17(2), 46-68.
This paper presents an evaluation of the information literacies used by community representatives when engaging with participatory budgeting in São Paulo City, Brazil. Using q...
Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society
Ryan, B., Cruickshank, P., & Milosheva, M. (2023)
Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society. Media and Information Literacy Alliance
This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on the impact of information literacy (IL) on society. It is intended to deliver considerations on how acad...
Practices related to diabetes information in a group of Finnish adults living with Type 1 diabetes
Journal Article
Eriksson-Backa, K., Widén, G., & Ryan, B. (2022)
Practices related to diabetes information in a group of Finnish adults living with Type 1 diabetes. Informaatiotutkimus, 41(2-3), 29-33.
What are public libraries for? Culture as a determinant of conceptualizations of public library services for forced migrants
Journal Article
Salzano, R., Brazier, D., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2022)
What are public libraries for? Culture as a determinant of conceptualizations of public library services for forced migrants. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 59(1), 276-286.
Public libraries offer important services for newcomer populations, including forced migrants. They help facilitate the integration of forced migrants into the host country, i...
Seguranca digital e o regulacao do metaverso (in Portuguese)
Presentation / Conference
Haynes, D. (2022, September)
Seguranca digital e o regulacao do metaverso (in Portuguese)
This summarises the research questions being investigated in the Starter grant 2021 to investigate the usage of and attitudes towards the metaverse in the UK. The purpose of t...
Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format
Presentation / Conference
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022, August)
Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format. Paper presented at Archives and Records Association Annual Conference 2022, Chester, UK
We report the findings of a research project funded by the AHRC, with support of the BBC, British Library, and a community museum. This exploits, augments, and exhibits a set ...
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis
Journal Article
Appleton, L., & Hall, H. (in press)
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Documentation,
The research was undertaken to explore the role of the UK public library as a public sphere, and the ways in which this role relates to the epistemic, community, and political...