Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise
Presentation / Conference
Sobolewska, E., Smith, C. F., & Turner, P. (2009, April)
Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise. Paper presented at HCI Educators 2009, University of Abertay, Dundee
The teaching and perhaps more importantly the practice of ethnographic techniques has become increasing important within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). But ethnography is a...
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E., Turner, P., & Van de Walle, G. (2006, July)
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people. Paper presented at IFIP 8.2 Working Conference on Social Exclusion--Societal and Organisational Implications for Information Systems, Limerick
Two phenomenological studies of place.
Presentation / Conference
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2003, January)
Two phenomenological studies of place. Paper presented at BCS- HCI Conference 2003
We introduce our initial investigations into the phenomenology of place
as part of the BENOGO project. BENOGO is concerned with giving
people the experience of ‘being there wi...