Digital Artefact
Gray, A. (2017)
#NapierBigRead. [website, facebook, instagram, twitter]
Created and manage website.
c.2,000 views since creation (Dec 2017)
360º social media portfolio: website, facebook, instagram, twitter
'National Antipathies'?: Representations of the Franco-Prussian War in the British Press
Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2017, July)
'National Antipathies'?: Representations of the Franco-Prussian War in the British Press. Paper presented at 'Borders and Border Crossings': 49th Annual Conference of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP), University of Freiburg, Germany
No abstract available.
Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press
Book Chapter
Gray, A. (2016)
Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press. In C. Penman, & M. Foster (Eds.), Innovations in Learning and TeachingEdinburgh: Merchiston Publishing
A pedagogic research publication showing new teaching approaches in higher education. This collection of chapters gives voice to academics from different disciplines across Ed...
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2010)
Zines. In J. D. H. Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media, 565-567. Sage
Anarchist media.
Atton, C. (2010)
Anarchist media. In J. D. H. Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media, 43-48. Sage
Alternative journalism: ideology and practice.
Atton, C. (2009)
Alternative journalism: ideology and practice. In S. Allan (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies, 169-178. Routledge
Why alternative journalism matters
Journal Article
Atton, C. (2009)
Why alternative journalism matters. Journalism, 10(3), 283-285. doi:10.1177/1464884909102582
Why Fanzines matter.
Atton, C. (2008)
Why Fanzines matter. In S. Franklin (Ed.), Setting the Standard: A Project for Improving Rangers, 4-5. Gersnet
It is easy, perhaps too easy, to dismiss fanzines. Some consider them as the inconsequent ramblings of obsessive’s with too much time on their hands. Others feel that they are...
Citizen journalism.
Atton, C. (2007)
Citizen journalism. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 487-490. Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x
Citizen journalism refers to journalism produced not by professionals but by those outside mainstream media organizations. Citizen journalists typically have little or no trai...
Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom.
Atton, C. (2007)
Bringing theory into practice: locating staff research in the undergraduate classroom. In L. Whistlecroft (Ed.), Creative Graduates: Learning and Research in the Creative Arts, 49-52. PALATINE
This case study comes from the final year undergraduate course, Alternative and Radical Media, which is taught on BA (Hons) Journalism; BA (Hons) Cultural and Media Studies; B...