Using critical thinking as a basis for library user education
Journal Article
Atton, C. (1994)
Using critical thinking as a basis for library user education. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 20(5-6), 310-313.
Critical thinking exercises incorporated into an undergraduate course of bibliographic instruction encourage students to analyze and evaluate information and retrieval methods...
The news that doesn't make the news: sources for alternative current affairs reporting.
Journal Article
Atton, C. (1994)
The news that doesn't make the news: sources for alternative current affairs reporting. Information for Social Change : [journal]., 6-12. ISSN 1364-694X
Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection.
Journal Article
Atton, C. (1994)
Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection. Library Review, 43(4), 57-64.
There are thousands of small publishers, small presses and individuals in Britain
currently producing textbooks, monographs, novels, poetry, journals,
newspapers and other, no...
Robert Frost: antithesis reconciled in a study of his language.
Journal Article
Fraser, B. (1991)
Robert Frost: antithesis reconciled in a study of his language. Indian journal of American studies. 22. ISSN 0019-5030