Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study
Journal Article
Kocic, A., & Milicev, J. (2019)
Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 10(2), 183-201. https://doi.org/10.1386/jdmp.10.2.183_1
Scotland does not have any public service radio on a local level, except for a few bulletins or programmes offered by BBC Radio Scotland on an opt-out basis. Scottish commerci...
Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa
Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2018)
Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 44(3), 507-519. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2018.1452420
The title of this essay is taken from the 1975 Penguin African Library revised edition of Antony Martin’s ‘Minding Their Own Business: Zambia’s Struggle against Western Contro...
Fanzines: enthusiastic production through popular culture
Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2015)
Fanzines: enthusiastic production through popular culture. In C. Atton (Ed.), Routledge companion to alternative and community media (437-444). Routledge
No abstract available.