4 results

Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study

Journal Article
Kocic, A., & Milicev, J. (2019)
Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 10(2), 183-201. https://doi.org/10.1386/jdmp.10.2.183_1
Scotland does not have any public service radio on a local level, except for a few bulletins or programmes offered by BBC Radio Scotland on an opt-out basis. Scottish commerci...

Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa

Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2018)
Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 44(3), 507-519. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2018.1452420
The title of this essay is taken from the 1975 Penguin African Library revised edition of Antony Martin’s ‘Minding Their Own Business: Zambia’s Struggle against Western Contro...

Make or Buy? A Qualitative Analysis of the Organisational Handling of Digital Innovations in the German Book Publishing Sector

Journal Article
Klamet, A. (2017)
Make or Buy? A Qualitative Analysis of the Organisational Handling of Digital Innovations in the German Book Publishing Sector. Publishing Research Quarterly, 33(1), 41-55. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-016-9493-0
Traditional media have been changing in response to digitisation processes and the spread of the internet. This article looks at the consequences of technological change for t...

From Battery Hens to Chicken Feed: The Perceived Precarity and Identity of Australian Journalists

Journal Article
Patrick, H., & Elks, K. (2015)
From Battery Hens to Chicken Feed: The Perceived Precarity and Identity of Australian Journalists. Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management, 48(12), 48-66
There is an industrial revolution taking place in the media sphere, and it is a result of digitalisation. Between mass layoffs and falling word rates, Australian journalists a...