Appropriating Affordances. Three Practice Based Explorations
Conference Proceeding
Flint, T. (2017)
Appropriating Affordances. Three Practice Based Explorations. In T. Flint, L. Hall, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017).
Affordance and Appropriation are related. An effective way of examining these phenomena is through practice. This paper discusses practice based exploration of affordance in t...
Towards an account of intuitiveness
Journal Article
Turner, P. (2008)
Towards an account of intuitiveness. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27, 475-482.
Intuitive systems are usable systems. Design guidelines advocate intuitiveness and vendors claim it - but what does it mean for a user interface, interactive system, or device...
Eidolon360 – A VR Experience
Conference Proceeding
Hood, B., & Flint, T. (2018)
Eidolon360 – A VR Experience. In L. Hall, T. Flint, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017)
Eidolon360 is a virtual reality artwork and experience that is interacted with through VR headsets. The viewer, reclining on a bed within the exhibition space, experiences a 3...
Being-with: a study of familiarity
Journal Article
Turner, P. (2008)
Being-with: a study of familiarity. Interacting with Computers, 20, 447-454.
How people learn to use an interactive device has always been an important field of research in human-computer interaction (HCI). The theoretical bases of which have ranged fr...
The figure and ground of engagement
Journal Article
Turner, P. (2014)
The figure and ground of engagement. AI & society, 29(1), 33-43.
Engagement is important to the success of applications, systems and artefacts as diverse as robotics, pedagogy, games, interactive installations, and virtual reality applicati...
Looking at technology with Parkour eyes.
Presentation / Conference
Flint, T., & Turner, P. (2014, June)
Looking at technology with Parkour eyes. Paper presented at Interaction Design and Children, Aarhus University, Denmark
This workshop paper discusses the theme of repurposing and its relationship to appropriation. By centering on the social, cultural aspect of appropriation we link it to afford...