Controlling a simulated Khepera with an XCS classifier system with memory.
Conference Proceeding
Webb, A., Hart, E., Ross, P. & Lawson, A. (2003)
Controlling a simulated Khepera with an XCS classifier system with memory. ISBN 9783540200574
Autonomous agents commonly suffer from perceptual aliasing in which differing situations are perceived as identical by the robots sensors, yet require different courses of act...
Clustering Moving Data with a Modified Immune Algorithm
Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2001)
Clustering Moving Data with a Modified Immune Algorithm. In E. Boers (Ed.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing, 394-403.
In this paper we present a prototype of a new model for performing clustering in large, non-static databases. Although many machine learning algorithms for data clustering hav...
Exploiting the analogy between immunology and sparse distributed memory.
Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2001)
Exploiting the analogy between immunology and sparse distributed memory. In J. Timmis, & P. J. Bentley (Eds.), ICARIS 2002 : 1st International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, 59-67
The relationship between immunological memory and a class of associative memories known as sparse distributed memories (SDM) is well known. This paper proposes a new model for...
An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments.
Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (1998)
An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments. In W. Banzhaf, J. M. Daida, A. E. Eiben, M. H. Garzon, V. Honavar, M. Jakiela, & R. E. Smith (Eds.), GECCO-99 : proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference. Volume 2, 1559-1566
This paper describes the application of an artificial immune system, (AIS), model to a scheduling application, in which sudden changes in the scheduling environment require th...
From the Virtual to the RealWorld: Referring to Objects in Real-World Spatial Scenes
Conference Proceeding
Gkatzia, D., Rieser, V., Bartie, P., & Mackaness, W. (2015)
From the Virtual to the RealWorld: Referring to Objects in Real-World Spatial Scenes. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1936-1942.
Predicting the success of referring expressions (RE) is vital for real world applications such as navigation systems. Traditionally, research has focused on studying Referring...
A local search for the timetabling problem.
Conference Proceeding
Rossi-Doria, O., Blum, C., Knowles, J., Sampels, M., Socha, K., & Paechter, B. (2001)
A local search for the timetabling problem. In E. Burke, & P. Causmaecker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2002), 124-127
This work is part of the Metaheuristic Network, a European Commission project that seeks to empirically compare the performance of various metaheuristics on different combinat...
Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data
Conference Proceeding
Gkatzia, D., Hastie, H., & Lemon, O. (2014)
Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data. In Proceedings of the Conference Volume 1: Long Papers. , (1231-1240).
We present a novel approach for automatic report generation from time-series data, in the context of student feedback generation. Our proposed methodology treats content selec...
A GA evolving instructions for a timetable builder.
Conference Proceeding
Blum, C., Correia, S., Dorigo, M., Paechter, B., Rossi-Doria, O., & Snoek, M. (2001)
A GA evolving instructions for a timetable builder. In E. Burke, & P. Causmaecker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2002), 120-123
In this work we present a Genetic Algorithm for tackling timetabling problems. Our approach uses an indirect solution representation, which denotes a number of instructions fo...
Boosting the Immune System
Conference Proceeding
McEwan, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2007)
Boosting the Immune System. In Artificial Immune Systems, 316-327. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85072-4_28
Much of contemporary research in Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) has partitioned into either algorithmic machine learning and optimisation, or modelling biologically plausible...