Re-creating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Turner, P., Carroll, F., O'Neill, S., Benyon, D., McCall, R., & Smyth, M. (2003, January)
Re-creating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments. Paper presented at Benogo
The EC funded project BENOGO seeks to re-create real places using photo-realistic
immersive virtual reality technology and in so doing investigates the nature of
presence and ...
Recreating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments.
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Turner, P., Carroll, F., O'Neill, S., Benyon, D., McCall, R., & Smyth, M. (2003, June)
Recreating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments. Paper presented at 3rd UK Conference of the Environmental Psychology Network
The EC funded project BENOGO seeks to re-create real places using photo-realistic
immersive virtual reality technology and in so doing investigates the nature of
presence and ...