Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?
Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Anderson, C., Smales, A., Varga, J., Burns, N., Uthmani, O., …Lawson, A. (2013)
Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?
Within health and social care there is a strong need to provide access to highly sensitive information, and one which requires high levels of identity assurance. This paper ou...
Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture.
Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Fan, L., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lawson, A., …Anderson, C. (2013)
Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture. In M. Felici (Ed.), Cyber Security and Privacy, (91-101). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41205-9_8
We live in a world where trust relationships are becoming ever more important. This paper outlines how an architecture which abstracts these relationships between domains, org...
Applied web traffic analysis for numerical encoding of SQL Injection attack features
Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S., Buchanan, W., & Fan, L. (2016)
Applied web traffic analysis for numerical encoding of SQL Injection attack features. In ECCWS-2016
SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains a technique used by a computer network intruder to pilfer an organisation’s confidential data. This is done by an intruder re-crafting web...
An applied pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack
Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S. O., Buchanan, W. J., & Fan, L. (2017)
An applied pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack. In 2017 Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST),https://doi.org/10.1109/est.2017.8090392
Emerging computing relies heavily on secure back-end storage for the massive size of big data originating from the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices to the Cloud-hosted w...
Numerical Encoding to Tame SQL Injection Attacks
Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S. O., Buchanan, W. J., & Fan, L. (in press)
Numerical Encoding to Tame SQL Injection Attacks
Recent years have seen an astronomical rise in SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) used to compromise the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of organisations' databases....
An Integrated Cloud-based Healthcare Infrastructure.
Conference Proceeding
Ekonomou, E., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., & Thuemmler, C. (2011)
An Integrated Cloud-based Healthcare Infrastructure. In 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), (532-536). https://doi.org/10.1109/CloudCom.2011.80
We present a cloud-based healthcare system that integrates a formal care system (DACAR) with an informal care system (Microsoft HealthVault). The system provides high levels o...
DACAR platform for eHealth services cloud.
Conference Proceeding
Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Thuemmler, C., Lo, O., Khedim, A. S., Uthmani, O., …Bell, D. (2011)
DACAR platform for eHealth services cloud. https://doi.org/10.1109/CLOUD.2011.31
The use of digital technologies in providing health care services is collectively known as eHealth. Considerable progress has been made in the development of eHealth services,...
Applied Machine Learning predictive analytics to SQL Injection Attack detection and prevention
Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S. O., Buchanan, W. J., & Fan, L. (2017)
Applied Machine Learning predictive analytics to SQL Injection Attack detection and prevention. In 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM),https://doi.org/10.23919/INM.2017.7987433
The back-end database is pivotal to the storage of the massive size of big data Internet exchanges stemming from cloud-hosted web applications to Internet of Things (IoT) smar...
Novel information sharing syntax for data sharing between police and community partners, using role-based security.
Conference Proceeding
Uthmani, O., Buchanan, W. J., Lawson, A., Thuemmler, C., Fan, L., Scott, R., …Mooney, C. (2010)
Novel information sharing syntax for data sharing between police and community partners, using role-based security
The exchange of information between the police and community partners forms a central aspect of effective community service provision. In the context of policing, a robust and...
Numerical encoding to tame SQL injection attacks
Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S., Buchanan, W. J., & Fan, L. (2016)
Numerical encoding to tame SQL injection attacks. In 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS),https://doi.org/10.1109/NOMS.2016.7502997
Recent years have seen an astronomical rise in SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) used to compromise the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of organisations’ databases....