18 results

Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Anderson, C., Smales, A., Varga, J., Burns, N., Uthmani, O., …Lawson, A. (2013)
Who would you trust to identify you in accessing your health record?
Within health and social care there is a strong need to provide access to highly sensitive information, and one which requires high levels of identity assurance. This paper ou...

Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Uthmani, O., Fan, L., Burns, N., Lo, O., Lawson, A., …Anderson, C. (2013)
Modelling of integrated trust, governance and access safi.re: Information Sharing Architecture. In M. Felici (Ed.), Cyber Security and Privacy, (91-101). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41205-9_8
We live in a world where trust relationships are becoming ever more important. This paper outlines how an architecture which abstracts these relationships between domains, org...

User Experience in Cross-channel Ecosystems

Conference Proceeding
Benyon, D., & Resmini, A. (2017)
User Experience in Cross-channel Ecosystems. In Proceedings of the British HCI Conference 2017. https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.38
Recent developments in information and communication technologies have left interaction design and human-computer interaction (HCI) with something of a conceptual gap. The dis...

A scalable plane-based broadcast algorithm for 3D-Mesh networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Mackenzie, L. (2002)
A scalable plane-based broadcast algorithm for 3D-Mesh networks. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Euromicro Conference on Parallel,Distributed and Network-Based Processing (Euro-PDP’03), 149-156. doi:10.1109/empdp.2003.1183581
Broadcast algorithms for wormhole–switched meshes have been widely reported in the literature. However, most of these algorithms handle broadcast in a sequential manner and do...

Facilitating reuse in database applications with scenario-based component adaptation and generation

Conference Proceeding
Wang, B., Liu, X., & Kerridge, J. (2002)
Facilitating reuse in database applications with scenario-based component adaptation and generation. In Proceedings Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 527-534. doi:10.1109/iri.2003.1251461
The development of database application systems will beneft from high reusabiliiy because similar design circumstances recur frequently in database developments. However, rese...

Hybridisation of Evolutionary Algorithms through hyper-heuristics for global continuous optimisation

Conference Proceeding
Segredo, E., Lalla-Ruiz, E., Hart, E., Paechter, B., & Voß, S. (2016)
Hybridisation of Evolutionary Algorithms through hyper-heuristics for global continuous optimisation. In P. Festa, M. Sellmann, & J. Vanschoren (Eds.), Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 10th International Conference, LION 10, Ischia, Italy, May 29 -- June 1, 2016 (296-305). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50349-3_25
Choosing the correct algorithm to solve a problem still remains an issue 40 years after the Algorithm Selection Problem was first posed. Here we propose a hyper-heuristic whic...

Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX

Conference Proceeding
Egan, C., Benyon, D., & Thompson, R. (2017)
Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX. In Proceedings of British HCI 2017. https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.93
The main objective of this work is to gain an understanding of the relationships between UX and permaculture. This will deliver insights as to how digital media development ca...

Understanding Environmental Influence in an Open-Ended Evolutionary Algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Steyven, A., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2016)
Understanding Environmental Influence in an Open-Ended Evolutionary Algorithm. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIV; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , (921-931). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45823-6_86
It is well known that in open-ended evolution, the nature of the environment plays in key role in directing evolution. However, in Evolutionary Robotics, it is often unclear e...

Analysing the performance of migrating birds optimisation approaches for large scale continuous problems

Conference Proceeding
Lalla-Ruiz, E., Segredo, E., Voss, S., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2016)
Analysing the performance of migrating birds optimisation approaches for large scale continuous problems. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIV. , (134-144). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45823-6_13
We present novel algorithmic schemes for dealing with large scale continuous problems. They are based on the recently proposed population-based meta-heuristics Migrating Birds...

On balancing traffic load in path-based multicast communication.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., El-Zayyat, K., & Mackenzie, L. (2002)
On balancing traffic load in path-based multicast communication. In SPECTS '03, 533-540
Multicast is the most primitive collective capability of any message-passing network. It is itself central to many important parallel applications in Science and Engineering b...