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310 results

Developing a core ontology for taxonomic data.

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, J., Gales, R., Hyam, R., Kukla, R., Wieczorek, J., Hagedorn, G., …Vieglais, D. (2006)
Developing a core ontology for taxonomic data. In L. Belbin, A. Rissoné, & A. Weitzman (Eds.), Proceedings of TDWG (2006), St Louis, MI
Over recent years several sub-groups within the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) have developed models and exchange standards to facilitate data sharing within the tax...

Privacy-preserving Surveillance Methods using Homomorphic Encryption

Conference Proceeding
Bowditch, W., Abramson, W., Buchanan, W. J., Pitropakis, N., & Hall, A. J. (2020)
Privacy-preserving Surveillance Methods using Homomorphic Encryption. In ICISSP: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. , (240-248).
Data analysis and machine learning methods often involve the processing of cleartext data, and where this could breach the rights to privacy. Increasingly, we must use encrypt...

An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2013)
An immune network approach for self-adaptive ensembles of autonomic components: a case study in swarm robotics. In P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artifical Life, Proceedings of ECAL 2013, 864-871.
We describe an immune inspired approach to achieve self-expression within an ensemble, i.e. enabling an ensemble of autonomic components to dynamically change their coordinati...

A Perspective on Middleware-Oriented Context-Aware Pervasive Systems

Conference Proceeding
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2008)
A Perspective on Middleware-Oriented Context-Aware Pervasive Systems. In Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 249-254. doi:10.1109/compsac.2009.142
The evolving concepts of mobile computing, context-awareness, and ambient intelligence are increasingly influencing user's experience of services. Therefore, the goal of this ...

A Cooperative Learning Approach for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem

Conference Proceeding
Lalla-Ruiz, E., Segredo, E., & Voß, S. (2018)
A Cooperative Learning Approach for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. In Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION12). , (31-35).
The Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP) is a well-known optimization problem aimed to maximize a quadratic objective function subject to linear capacity constraints. It has sever...

Applied web traffic analysis for numerical encoding of SQL Injection attack features

Conference Proceeding
Uwagbole, S., Buchanan, W., & Fan, L. (2016)
Applied web traffic analysis for numerical encoding of SQL Injection attack features. In ECCWS-2016
SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains a technique used by a computer network intruder to pilfer an organisation’s confidential data. This is done by an intruder re-crafting web...

Minimization of incompletely specified mixed polarity Reed Muller functions using genetic algorithm.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Jassani, B. A., Urquhart, N. B., & Almaini, A. E. A. (2009)
Minimization of incompletely specified mixed polarity Reed Muller functions using genetic algorithm.
A New and efficient Genetic Algorithm (GA) based approach is presented to minimise the number of terms of Mixed Polarity Reed Muller (MPRM) single and multi output incompletel...

Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., & Saliou, L. (2005)
Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks. In ITRE 2004. 2nd International Conference Information Technology: Research and Education, 111-115.
Many computing-related programmes and modules have many problems caused with large class sizes, large-scale plagiarism, module franchising, and an increasing requirement from ...

Requirements for 5G based telemetric cardiac monitoring

Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C., Hindricks, G., Rolffs, C., Buchanan, W., & Bollmann, A. (2018)
Requirements for 5G based telemetric cardiac monitoring. In 2018 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
Several white papers have been published on general requirements for 5G in the health vertical. As 5G research and implementation continue more detailed real world information...

Visualization of Online Datasets

Conference Proceeding
Peng, T., & Downie, C. (2017)
Visualization of Online Datasets. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Application (SERA). , (239-246
As computing technology advances, computers are being used to orchestrate and advance wide spectrums of commercial and personal life, an element even more significant as we im...