Technological Microcosms – Considering Materiality and Collaborative Practice in the Creation of Wearable Futures
Conference Proceeding
Vones, K. (2013)
Technological Microcosms – Considering Materiality and Collaborative Practice in the Creation of Wearable Futures. In Praxis and Poetics - Research Through Design 2013, 59-62. ISBN 978-0-9549587-9-4
With the increased prevalence of digital technologies in our everyday lives, the questions posed to the contemporary craft practitioner regarding creation of an emotionally re...
T/ensor/~ 0.3
Conference Proceeding
Papageorgiou, D. (2023)
T/ensor/~ 0.3. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023
T/ensor/~ (version 0.3) is a prototype of a dynamic performance system developed in MAX that involves adaptive digital signal processing modules and generative processes towar...
Reflections on Nation and narration from the perspective of a 'New Scot' in Scotland.
Conference Proceeding
Fraser, B. (2014)
Reflections on Nation and narration from the perspective of a 'New Scot' in Scotland. In K. P. Muller (Ed.), Scotland 2014 and Beyond - Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?