17 results

Transparent Handover for Mobile Multicast Sources

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Transparent Handover for Mobile Multicast Sources. In International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies, 2006. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006, 145-145. doi:10.1109/icniconsmcl.2006.217
The Internet research community has proposed many routing protocols to support efficient multicast application. However, these protocols were developed for multicast parties w...

Battery Aware Beacon Enabled IEEE802.15.4: An Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach

Conference Proceeding
Salayma, M., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Yassein, M. B. (2015)
Battery Aware Beacon Enabled IEEE802.15.4: An Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach. In M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, & M. Paprzycki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (1267-1272). https://doi.org/10.15439/2015F118
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy conservation is one of the main concerns challenging the cutting-edge standards and protocols. Most existing studies focus on the de...

Design and Analysis of Multicast Communication in Multidimensional Mesh Networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Romdhani, I. (2007)
Design and Analysis of Multicast Communication in Multidimensional Mesh Networks. In I. Stojmenovic, R. Thulasiram, L. Yang, W. Jia, M. Guo, & R. de Mello (Eds.), Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, 868-882. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74742-0_77
This paper addresses the issue of multicast communication in scalable interconnection networks, using path-based scheme. Most existing multicast algorithms either assume a fix...

Efficient road topology based broadcast protocol for VANETs

Conference Proceeding
Al-Kubati, G., Al-Dubai, A., Mackenzie, L., & Pezaros, D. (2014)
Efficient road topology based broadcast protocol for VANETs. In 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)https://doi.org/10.1109/WCNC.2014.6952857
Intelligent Transportation Systems have been instrumental in reshaping transportation towards safer roads, seamless logistics, and digital business-oriented services under the...

Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture for Mobile IP Communications

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Munoz, J., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture for Mobile IP Communications. In 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2006. ISCC '06. Proceedings, 136-141. doi:10.1109/iscc.2006.84
While the Mobile IP protocol does not exclude the use of multiple Home Agents (HAs), it does not impose any particular model either. Recent solutions propose that a mobile nod...

Performance Evaluation of the RPL Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Sink Low-Power and Lossy-Networks

Conference Proceeding
Wadhaj, I., Kristof, I., Romdhani, I., & Al-Dubai, A. (2015)
Performance Evaluation of the RPL Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Sink Low-Power and Lossy-Networks. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC 2015), (1600-1605). https://doi.org/10.1109/cit/iucc/dasc/picom.2015.241
Low-Power and Lossy-Network (LLN) are usually composed of static nodes, but the increase demand for mobility in mobile robotic and dynamic environment raises the question how ...

Reliability and energy efficiency enhancement in wireless body area networks for e-health

Conference Proceeding
Salayma, M., Al-Dubai, A., & Romdhani, I. (2017)
Reliability and energy efficiency enhancement in wireless body area networks for e-health. In 2016 19th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT)https://doi.org/10.23919/FRUCT.2016.7892202
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a technology that revolutionises our understanding of the future digitised healthcare systems. WBAN has unique challenges and features com...

An Efficient Dynamic Load-balancing Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Conference Proceeding
Eshaftri, M. A., Al-Dubai, A. Y., Romdhani, I., & Yassein, M. B. (2015)
An Efficient Dynamic Load-balancing Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. In G. Anderst-Kotsis, I. Khalil, M. Steinbaur, & L. Chen (Eds.), MoMM 2015 Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, (189-194). https://doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2837149
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), clustering techniques are among the effective solutions to reduce energy consumption and prolong the network lifetime. During the iterative...

Mobile Multicast Route Optimisation

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Munoz, J., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Mobile Multicast Route Optimisation. In IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006. ICC '06, 1977-1983. doi:10.1109/icc.2006.255060
The multiparty nature of multicast applications presents new challenges for Mobile IP users. Unfortunately, when a multicast receiver is mobile, it will experience additional ...

Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Kubati, G., Al-Dubai, A., Mackenzie, L., & Pezaros, D. (2013)
Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks. In 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 20-25. https://doi.org/10.1109/ITST.2013.6685515
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have been attracting tremendous attention in both academia and industry due to emerging applications that pave the way towards safer ...