5 results

Closing the researcher-practitioner gap: an exploration of the impact of an AHRC networking grant

Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019)
Closing the researcher-practitioner gap: an exploration of the impact of an AHRC networking grant. Journal of Documentation, 75(5), 1056-1081. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-12-2018-0212
Purpose: Results are presented from a study that investigated the extent to which learning gained through participation in three research methods workshops funded by an AHRC n...

Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre

Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2018)
Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre. Journal of Documentation, 74(4), 844-861. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-05-2017-0069
Purpose Results are reported from a study that investigated the extent to which an intervention to develop a community of library and information science researchers – the Dev...

Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement

Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019)
Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 950-961. https://doi.org/10.1177/0961000618769966
The purpose of the research was to investigate the practices of elected, yet unpaid, community councillors in Scotland as they exploit information channels for democratic enga...

Disconnected Democracy? A Survey of Scottish Community Councils' Online Presences

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., Ryan, B., & Smith, C. (2014)
Disconnected Democracy? A Survey of Scottish Community Councils' Online Presences. Scottish Affairs, 23(4), (486-507). doi:10.3366/scot.2014.0045. ISSN 0966-0356
Community Councils are the bottom rung of Scotland’s democracy ladder, having few – but highly significant – statutory consultative duties (especially with regard to planning)...

Workplace information literacy: Measures and methodological challenges

Journal Article
Widén, G., Ahmad, F., Nikou, S., Ryan, B., & Cruickshank, P. (2021)
Workplace information literacy: Measures and methodological challenges. Journal of Information Literacy, 15(2), https://doi.org/10.11645/15.2.2812
This paper focuses information literacy (IL) from a methodological perspective, addressing quantitative IL measures, suitable for evaluating the role of IL in supporting work...