Applying the Software-to-Data Paradigm in Next Generation E-Health Hybrid Clouds
Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C., Mueller, J., Covaci, S., Magedanz, T., de Panfilis, S., Jell, T., …Gavras, A. (2013)
Applying the Software-to-Data Paradigm in Next Generation E-Health Hybrid Clouds. In 2013 Tenth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG),, 459-463.
Health care providers have over years continuously rejected Public Cloud technology for understandable concerns regarding privacy and confidentiality. The pick up rate on clou...
A Look at the Effects of Handheld and Projected Augmented-reality on a Collaborative Task
Conference Proceeding
Mackamul, E. B., & Esteves, A. (2018)
A Look at the Effects of Handheld and Projected Augmented-reality on a Collaborative Task. In SUI '18 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
This paper presents a comparative study between two popular AR systems during a collocated collaborative task. The goal of the study is to start a body of knowledge that descr...