3 results

An architecture for designing Future Internet (FI) applications in sensitive domains: Expressing the software to data paradigm by utilizing hybrid cloud technology

Conference Proceeding
Sotiriadis, S., Petrakis,, E. G. M., Covaci, . S., Zampognaro, P., Georga, E., & Thuemmler, C. (2014)
An architecture for designing Future Internet (FI) applications in sensitive domains: Expressing the software to data paradigm by utilizing hybrid cloud technology. In 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 1-6. doi:10.1109/bibe.2013.6701578
The emergency of cloud computing and Generic Enablers (GEs) as the building blocks of Future Internet (FI) applications highlights new requirements in the area of cloud servic...

Applying the Software-to-Data Paradigm in Next Generation E-Health Hybrid Clouds

Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C., Mueller, J., Covaci, S., Magedanz, T., de Panfilis, S., Jell, T., …Gavras, A. (2013)
Applying the Software-to-Data Paradigm in Next Generation E-Health Hybrid Clouds. In 2013 Tenth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG),, 459-463. https://doi.org/10.1109/itng.2013.77
Health care providers have over years continuously rejected Public Cloud technology for understandable concerns regarding privacy and confidentiality. The pick up rate on clou...

EU-China joint white paper on the Internet of Things

Working Paper
(CAICT), C. A. O. I. A. C. T. & DG Connect, E. C. (2016)
EU-China joint white paper on the Internet of Things
This paper reflects the outcome of several years of the IoT international cooperation between the EU and China and documents the state-of-the-art on IoT development in both re...