42 results

Innovations in Learning and Teaching.

Penman, C., & Foster, M. (2016)
Innovations in Learning and Teaching. Edinburgh Napier University Publishing

A cross-disciplinary and cross-university approach to Enhancing Asian student learning experience in the UK HE.

Presentation / Conference
Foster, M. (2009, October)
A cross-disciplinary and cross-university approach to Enhancing Asian student learning experience in the UK HE. Paper presented at Global Connections – Local Impacts: Best Practices and Policies for Cross-Border Education, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Bridging the gap. Helping Chinese students embrace the intercultural experience.

Presentation / Conference
Foster, M. (2005, January)
intercultural experience. Paper presented at The Chinese and South East Asian Learner: the transition to UK Higher Education

Challenges and benefits of student mobility: what do we know about our students’ perceptions of own and host culture of learning.

Presentation / Conference
Foster, M., Macdonald, I. & Firth, R. (2014, January)
Challenges and benefits of student mobility: what do we know about our students’ perceptions of own and host culture of learning. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier Staff Conference, Edinburgh
No abstract available.

Developing a reflective and empirically informed undergraduate research methods module, including a worked exemplar.

Murray, J. (2016)
Developing a reflective and empirically informed undergraduate research methods module, including a worked exemplar. In Penman, C. & Foster, M. (Eds.). Innovations in Learning and TeachingMerchiston Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9576882-8-5
Teaching research methods is challenging for both staff and students. With increasing expectations to teach a wider breadth of material, the balance and maintenance of suffici...

A case of cross-disciplinary, cross-university approach to enhancing Asian student experience in UK HE

Presentation / Conference
approach to enhancing Asian student experience in UK HE. Paper presented at Institutional Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

approach to enhancing Asian student experience in UK HE. Paper presented at Institutional Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

Maritime English International Teacher Training Course.

Foster, M. (2001)
Maritime English International Teacher Training Course. International Maritime Organisation

Strategies, guidelines and tools – what do they mean for us? Academics’ perceptions of resources for curriculum design and development.

Foster, M., McKinnon, S., & Hammond, A. (2013)
Strategies, guidelines and tools – what do they mean for us? Academics’ perceptions of resources for curriculum design and development. In Working towards transformative internationalisation: an enquiry based approachHigher Education Academy

Engaging students in enhanced academic transitions.

Foster, M. (2010)
Engaging students in enhanced academic transitions. In M. Foster (Ed.), Working with Cultural Diversity in Higher EducationStaff and Educational Development Association

E-mentoring project with Indian students on BA Hospitality Management.

Presentation / Conference
Foster, M. (2010, January)
Management. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier Staff Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh