Reclaiming their lives: The decision making process in living liver donation – An interpretative phenomenological case study analysis of one couple.
Journal Article
Mcgregor, L., Dickson, A., Flowers, P., Hayes, P. C. & O'Carroll, R. E. (2013)
Reclaiming their lives: The decision making process in living liver donation – An interpretative phenomenological case study analysis of one couple. Psychology and Health. 29, 1373-1387. doi:10.1080/08870446.2014.940950. ISSN 0887-0446
Objectives: Adult-to-adult living liver donation (LLD) is a controversial procedure due to the risk to the healthy donor. The decision to proceed with LLD is an important, yet...
A minimal jerk prosthesis control system.
Conference Proceeding
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A minimal jerk prosthesis control system. In Proceedings of the MEC’05 conference, UNB; 2005ISBN 1-55131-100-3