Application of Robust Chattering-Reduction Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Position Control of a Vector-Controlled Induction Machine with Non-Linear Friction Dynamics
Journal Article
Goh, K. B., Dunnigan, M. W., & Williams, B. W. (2005)
Application of Robust Chattering-Reduction Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Position Control of a Vector-Controlled Induction Machine with Non-Linear Friction Dynamics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 219(8), 577-590. doi:10.1243/095965105x33635
Sliding mode control (SMC) methods possess several advantageous properties such as robustness against parameter variation, disturbance rejection, straightforward design, and a...
Higher-order sliding mode control of a diesel generator set
Journal Article
Goh, K. B., Spurgeon, S. K., & Jones, N. B. (2003)
Higher-order sliding mode control of a diesel generator set. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 217(3), 229-241. doi:10.1177/095965180321700305
Diesel engines are used as prime movers and independent power sources in many applications because of their advantages in terms of fuel efficiency, robustness and reliability....
Sensorless second-order sliding-mode speed control of a voltage-fed induction-motor drive using nonlinear state feedback
Journal Article
Rashed, M., Goh, K. B., Dunnigan, M. W., MacConnell, P. F. A., Stronach, A. F., & Williams, B. W. (2004)
Sensorless second-order sliding-mode speed control of a voltage-fed induction-motor drive using nonlinear state feedback. IEE proceedings. Electric power applications, 152(5), 1127. doi:10.1049/ip-epa:20050042
A high-performance and robust sensorless speed-control scheme of a voltage-fed
induction motor has been developed in which the control of speed and flux is decoupled. A robust...
Fault diagnostics using slide mode techniques.
Journal Article
Goh, K. B., Spurgeon, S. K. & Jones, N. B. (2002)
Fault diagnostics using slide mode techniques. Control Engineering Practice. 10, 207-217. doi:10.1016/S0967-0661(01)00114-9. ISSN 0967-0661
A sliding mode technique was developed and applied to analyse temperature sensor data to reveal faults. The advantage of the technique is that it allows other system parameter...