Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform
Book Chapter
Smyth, M. (2005)
Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform. In P. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (249-260). Dordrecht: Springer.
Listening, Corporeality, Place and Presence
Book Chapter
Turner, S., McGregor, I., & Turner, P. (2009)
Listening, Corporeality, Place and Presence. In P. Turner, S. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Exploration of Space, Technology, and Spatiality: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (113-127). London: IGI Global.
This chapter considers the role of sound, and more specifically, listening, in creating a sense of presence (of "being there") in "places" recreated by virtual reality technol...