31 results

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Mocanu, E., Nguyen, P. H., Gibescu, M., & Liotta, A. (2016)
A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines. Machine Learning, 104(2-3), 243-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-016-5570-z
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and models derived from them have been successfully used as basic building blocks in deep artificial neural networks for automatic feature...

Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power Sensors

Journal Article
Lenka, R. K., Rath, A. K., Tan, Z., Sharma, S., Puthal, D., Simha, N. V. R., …Tripathi, S. S. (2018)
Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power Sensors. IEEE Access, 6, 30162-30173. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2842760
Wireless Sensors are an important component to develop the Internet of Things (IoT) Sensing infrastructure. There are enormous numbers of sensors connected with each other to ...

A Secured Data Management Scheme for Smart Societies in Industrial Internet of Things Environment

Journal Article
Babar, M., Khan, F., Iqbal, . W., Yahya, A., Arif, F., Tan, Z., & Chuma, J. (2018)
A Secured Data Management Scheme for Smart Societies in Industrial Internet of Things Environment. IEEE Access, 6, 43088-43099
Smart societies have an increasing demand for quality-oriented services and infrastructure in an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm. Smart urbanization faces numero...

On-Line Building Energy Optimization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Journal Article
Mocanu, E., Mocanu, D. C., Nguyen, P. H., Liotta, A., Webber, M. E., Gibescu, M., & Slootweg, J. G. (2019)
On-Line Building Energy Optimization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(4), 3698-3708. https://doi.org/10.1109/tsg.2018.2834219
Unprecedented high volumes of data are becoming available with the growth of the advanced metering infrastructure. These are expected to benefit planning and operation of the ...

Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information

Journal Article
Bosman, H. H., Iacca, G., Tejada, A., Wörtche, H. J., & Liotta, A. (2017)
Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information. Information Fusion, 33, 41-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2016.04.007
The field of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), embedded systems with sensing and networking capability, has now matured after a decade-long research effort and technological ad...

A Review of Predictive Quality of Experience Management in Video Streaming Services

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Perra, C., De Turck, F., & Liotta, A. (2018)
A Review of Predictive Quality of Experience Management in Video Streaming Services. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 64(2), 432-445. https://doi.org/10.1109/tbc.2018.2822869
Satisfying the requirements of devices and users of online video streaming services is a challenging task. It requires not only managing the network quality of service but als...

Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal Article
Chincoli, M., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(2), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18020375
Current trends in interconnecting myriad smart objects to monetize on Internet of Things applications have led to high-density communications in wireless sensor networks. This...

Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Exarchakos, G., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-19356-4
Almost all the natural or human made systems can be understood and controlled using complex networks. This is a difficult problem due to the very large number of elements in s...

Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal Article
Savaglio, C., Pace, P., Aloi, G., Liotta, A., & Fortino, G. (2019)
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 29355-29364. https://doi.org/10.1109/access.2019.2902371
High-density communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) demand for new approaches to meet stringent energy and spectrum requirements. We turn to reinforcement learning,...

PFARS: Enhancing Throughput and Lifetime of Heterogeneous WSNs through Power-aware Fusion, Aggregation and Routing Scheme

Journal Article
Khan, R., Zakarya, M., Tan, Z., Usman, M., Jan, M. A., & Khan, M. (2019)
PFARS: Enhancing Throughput and Lifetime of Heterogeneous WSNs through Power-aware Fusion, Aggregation and Routing Scheme. International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(18), https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.4144
Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of resource-starving nodes that face a challenging task of handling various issues such as data redundancy, data fusion, ...