Dog filters & flower crowns: Using Snapchat as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education
Journal Article
Kerr, G., & Faulkner, S. (2020)
Dog filters & flower crowns: Using Snapchat as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1(1), 147-157.
Academics overwhelmingly value social media as a tool for enhancing student learning (Moran et al, 2011). Generally, academics use information technologies and social media to...
TikTok as a tool for providing pastoral and academic support to student
Presentation / Conference
Kerr, G. (2020, December)
TikTok as a tool for providing pastoral and academic support to student. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde [Online]
This presentation explores TikTok as a platform for personal tutors in the higher education setting to provide pastoral and academic support to students. Young people are incr...