Implementing an ICE: A methodology for the design, development and installation of Interactive Collaborative Environments in real world industrial settings.
Presentation / Conference
Mival, O., & Benyon, D. (2013, April)
Implementing an ICE: A methodology for the design, development and installation of Interactive Collaborative Environments in real world industrial settings. Paper presented at CHI2013 workshop on Blended Interaction Spaces., Paris, France
In this paper, we present a methodology for the design,
development and implementation of ICEs (Interactive
Collaborative Environments) in real world industrial
settings. The ...
Recreating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments.
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Turner, P., Carroll, F., O'Neill, S., Benyon, D., McCall, R., & Smyth, M. (2003, June)
Recreating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments. Paper presented at 3rd UK Conference of the Environmental Psychology Network
The EC funded project BENOGO seeks to re-create real places using photo-realistic
immersive virtual reality technology and in so doing investigates the nature of
presence and ...
Re-creating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments
Presentation / Conference
Turner, S., Turner, P., Carroll, F., O'Neill, S., Benyon, D., McCall, R., & Smyth, M. (2003, January)
Re-creating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments. Paper presented at Benogo
The EC funded project BENOGO seeks to re-create real places using photo-realistic
immersive virtual reality technology and in so doing investigates the nature of
presence and ...