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46 results

Ontology definition and construction, and epistemological adequacy for systems interoperability: a practitioner analysis.

Journal Article
Lumsden, J., Hall, H., & Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Ontology definition and construction, and epistemological adequacy for systems interoperability: a practitioner analysis. Journal of Information Science, 37(3), 246-253.
Ontology development is considered to be a useful approach to the design and implementation of interoperable systems. This literature review and commentary examines the curren...

Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement

Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019)
Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 950-961.
The purpose of the research was to investigate the practices of elected, yet unpaid, community councillors in Scotland as they exploit information channels for democratic enga...

Your library: supporting mobile users in Edinburgh

Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Your library: supporting mobile users in Edinburgh
The Library and Information Services department of the City of Edinburgh Council has been extending its service provision for citizens and engaging with the wider community. T...

Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net

Conference Proceeding
Buckner, K., & Cruickshank, P. (2008)
Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net. In Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 60.
The European Commission, through its framework programme aims to stimulate the development of sustained collaborative research networks across Europe. Social network analysis ...

Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments.

Conference Proceeding
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. In IDIMC 2016: Exploring our digital shadow - from data to intelligence, (98-108
The main theme of the paper is the development of a framework to investigate how online information is used in the creation, building, and evaluation of personal reputations. ...

Exploring Information Literacy Through the Lens of Activity Theory

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2018)
Exploring Information Literacy Through the Lens of Activity Theory. In Communications in Computer and Information Science; Information Literacy in the Workplace. , (803-812).
Activity Theory (AT) is presented as a framework for explaining Information Literacy (IL) as a technologically mediated social practice. This is achieved in the context of a s...

Community Councillors survey data for IL-DEM project November -December 2016

Hall, H., Cruickshank, P. & Ryan, B. (2017)
Community Councillors survey data for IL-DEM project November -December 2016. doi:10.17869/ENU.2017.682227
Results of online survey of Community Councillors around Scotland. Most questions were around their use of information skills, for a project around information literacy in com...

Blurred reputations: Managing professional and private information online

Journal Article
Ryan, F. V., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2020)
Blurred reputations: Managing professional and private information online. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 16-26.
Results are reported from a study that investigated patterns of information behaviour and use as related to personal reputation building and management in online environments....

Assisting Information Practice: From Information Intermediary To Social Proxy

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., Webster, G., & Ryan, F. (2020)
Assisting Information Practice: From Information Intermediary To Social Proxy. Information Research, 25(4 (supplement)),
The increasing dependence on social media and other online systems as part of everyday life has grown considerably over the years. At the same time, the complexity and securit...

The Perceptions of Postgraduate International Students of Examinations

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P. (2016)
The Perceptions of Postgraduate International Students of Examinations. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 4(3),
The increasing internationalisation of higher education means that many students in the UK are not native English speakers, possibly putting them at a disadvantage in an exami...