A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing.
Journal Article
Hart, E., Sim, K., & Paechter, B. (2015)
A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing. Evolutionary Computation, 23(1), 37-67. https://doi.org/10.1162/EVCO_a_00121
We describe a novel Hyper-heuristic system which continuously learns over time to solve a combinatorial optimisation problem. The system continuously generates new heuristics ...
Exploiting Collaborations in the Immune System: The Future of Artificial Immune Systems
Book Chapter
Hart, E., McEwan, C., & Davoudani, D. (2009)
Exploiting Collaborations in the Immune System: The Future of Artificial Immune Systems. In C. Mumford, & L. Jain (Eds.), Intelligent Systems Reference Library; Computational Intelligence, 527-558. Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01799-5_16
Despite a steady increase in the application of algorithms inspired by the natural immune system to a variety of domains over the previous decade, we argue that the field of A...
An expert system for the performance control of rotating machinery.
Pearson, W. N. An expert system for the performance control of rotating machinery. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6888
This research presented in this thesis examines the application of feed forward neural
networks to the performance control of a gas transmission compressor. It is estimated th...
Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic.
Conference Proceeding
Sim, K., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2013)
Learning to solve bin packing problems with an immune inspired hyper-heuristic. In P. Liò, O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi, & M. Pavone (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013, 856-863. https://doi.org/10.7551/978-0-262-31709-2-ch126
Motivated by the natural immune system's ability to defend the body by generating and maintaining a repertoire of antibodies that collectively cover the potential pathogen spa...
Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System
Conference Proceeding
McEwan, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2006)
Revisiting the Central and Peripheral Immune System. In Artificial Immune Systems. ICARIS 2007, 240-251. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73922-7_21
The idiotypic network has a long and chequered history in both theoretical immunology and Artificial Immune Systems. In terms of the latter, the drive for engineering applicat...
Recognize contextual situation in pervasive environments using process mining techniques
Journal Article
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2011)
Recognize contextual situation in pervasive environments using process mining techniques. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2(1), 53-69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-010-0038-7
Research in pervasive computing and ambience intelligence aims to enable users to interact with the environment in a context-aware way. To achieve this, a complex set of featu...
Immunological inspiration for building a new generation of autonomic systems.
Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., Davoudani, D., & McEwan, C. (2007)
Immunological inspiration for building a new generation of autonomic systems. In Autonomics '07 Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Autonomic computing and communication systems
Autonomic computing systems of the future will be required to exhibit a number of properties which cannot be engineered using current technologies and algorithms. The most dir...
Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry.
Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2014)
Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry. In Proceedings of IEEE SASO 2014, (40-49). https://doi.org/10.1109/SASO.2014.16
Morphogenetic engineering represents an interesting field in which models, frameworks and algorithms can be tested in order to study how self-* properties and emergent behavio...
Culture & biometrics: regional differences in the perception of biometric authentication technologies
Journal Article
Riley, C. W., Buckner, K., Johnson, G., & Benyon, D. (2009)
Culture & biometrics: regional differences in the perception of biometric authentication technologies. AI & society, 24, 295-306. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-009-0218-1
Previous research has identified user concerns about biometric authentication technology, but most of this research has been conducted in European contexts. There is a lack of...
An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems.
Conference Proceeding
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2014)
An improved immune inspired hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation problems. In C. Igel (Ed.), Proceedings of GECCO 2014 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) (121-128). https://doi.org/10.1145/2576768.2598241
The meta-dynamics of an immune-inspired optimisation sys- tem NELLI are considered. NELLI has previously shown to exhibit good performance when applied to a large set of optim...