Secret shares to protect health records in Cloud-based infrastructures
Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Ukwandu, E., van Deursen, N., Fan, L., Russell, G., Lo, O., & Thuemmler, C. (2016)
Secret shares to protect health records in Cloud-based infrastructures. In 2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom)
Increasingly health records are stored in cloud-based systems, and often protected by a private key. Unfortunately the loss of this key can cause large-scale data loss. This p...
Analysis of Information governance and patient data protection within primary health care
Journal Article
Smith, M., Buchanan, W. J., Thuemmler, C., Bell, D., & Hazelhoff Roelfzema, N. (2010)
Analysis of Information governance and patient data protection within primary health care. International Journal for Quality in Health Care,
The introduction of Information Governance throughout the NHS in Great Britain from 2004 onwards, saw Pri-mary Care Medicine subject to a regulatory regime ...