Deriving ChaCha20 Key Streams From Targeted Memory Analysis
Journal Article
McLaren, P., Buchanan, W. J., Russell, G., & Tan, Z. (2019)
Deriving ChaCha20 Key Streams From Targeted Memory Analysis. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 48,
There can be performance and vulnerability concerns with block ciphers, thus stream ciphers can used as an alternative. Although many symmetric key stream ciphers are fairly r...
Real-time anomaly intrusion detection for a clean water supply system, utilising machine learning with novel energy-based features
Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., & Russell, G. (2020)
Real-time anomaly intrusion detection for a clean water supply system, utilising machine learning with novel energy-based features. In 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
Industrial Control Systems have become a priority domain for cybersecurity practitioners due to the number of cyber-attacks against those systems has increased over the past f...
Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment.
Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Ramsay, B., Macfarlane, R., Smales, A., & Russell, G. (2015, June)
Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment. Paper presented at UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education, Liverpool
This paper outlines evaluation of running a private Cloud-based system over two semesters at Edinburgh Napier University for two modules: Security Testing and Advanced Network...
Fast Filtering of Known PNG Files Using Early File Features
Conference Proceeding
McKeown, S., Russell, G., & Leimich, P. (2017)
Fast Filtering of Known PNG Files Using Early File Features. In Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law
A common task in digital forensics investigations is to identify known contraband images. This is typically achieved by calculating a cryptographic digest, using hashing algor...
Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System
Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System. In CITT 2018. , (91-103).
Critical infrastructures such as nuclear plants or water supply systems are mainly managed through electronic control systems. Such systems comprise of a number of elements, s...
A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions.
Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Raguenaud, C., Russell, G., Armstrong, K. E., MacDonald, S. M., …Kennedy, J. (2003)
A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions
Taxonomy has been described as “the science of documenting biodiversity”, which involves collecting, naming, describing, identifying and classifying specimens of organisms (Ke...
5G-FOG: Freezing of Gait Identification in Multi-Class Softmax Neural Network Exploiting 5G Spectrum
Conference Proceeding
Khan, J. S., Tahir, A., Ahmad, J., Shah, S. A., Abbasi, Q. H., Russell, G., & Buchanan, W. (2020)
5G-FOG: Freezing of Gait Identification in Multi-Class Softmax Neural Network Exploiting 5G Spectrum. In Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2020 Computing Conference, Volume 3.
Freezing of gait (FOG) is one of the most incapacitating and disconcerting symptom in Parkinson's disease (PD). FOG is the result of neural control disorder and motor impairme...
Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems
Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Porcel-Bustamante, J. (2021)
Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems. Symmetry, 13(3),
Industrial Control Systems are an essential part of our daily lives and can be found in industries such as oil, utilities, and manufacturing. Rapid growth in technology has in...
PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System
Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 26,
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are frequently used in manufacturing and critical infrastructures like water treatment, chemical plants, and transportation schemes. Citizens ...
Performance Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System
Conference Proceeding
Ukwandu, E., Buchanan, W. J., & Russell, G. (2017)
Performance Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (Cyber SA 2017)
There are many risks in moving data into public storage environments, along with an increasing threat around large-scale data leakage. Secret sharing scheme has been proposed ...