Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform
Book Chapter
Smyth, M. (2005)
Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform. In P. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (249-260). Dordrecht: Springer.
Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence.
Conference Proceeding
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2002)
Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence. In P. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Workshop on Space, Spatiality and Technologies
Users as abstractions
Conference Proceeding
Turner, P. (2003)
Users as abstractions. In K. Horton, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Understanding sociotechnical action : workshop proceedings, 31-39
No Abstract available.