Increasing need for Offsite Construction and Manufactured Infrastructure in the UK Economy
Conference Proceeding
Smith, R. S., Wood, J. B., & Hairstans, R. (2015)
Increasing need for Offsite Construction and Manufactured Infrastructure in the UK Economy. In CIAT Symposium Proceedings
Due to increasing demand for housing and other building infrastructure the methodology of offsite construction is becoming more attractive to developers, local authorities and...
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA.
Conference Proceeding
Fringuellino, M., & Smith, S. (1998)
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA. In Atti del XXVII Convegno nazionale Associazione Italiana Acustica, 103-107
No abstract available.
Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation
Conference Proceeding
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., Moncaster, A., & Smith, S. (2017)
Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation. In PLEA Conference Proceedings Volume III
Colegio Rochester is school in Colombia with a strong vision for sustainability. This vision permeates the new school building which was the first school in Latin America to b...
Street-based routing using an evolutionary algorithm
Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Paechter, B., & Chisholm, K. (2001)
Street-based routing using an evolutionary algorithm. In E. J. W. Boers, J. Gottlieb, P. L. Lanzi, R. E. Smith, S. Cagnoni, E. Hart, …H. Tijink (Eds.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2001: EvoCOP, EvoFlight, EvoIASP, EvoLearn, and EvoSTIM, Proceedings. , (495-504).
Much research has been carried out into solving routing problems using both Evolutionary Techniques and other methods. In this paper the authors investigate the usage of an Ev...
Multi-dimensional data fitting for the structural design of a simple timber connection
Conference Proceeding
Livingstone, A., Patlakas, P., Milne, M., Smith, S., & Hairstans, R. (2016)
Multi-dimensional data fitting for the structural design of a simple timber connection. In M. Pöll, A. Fadai, W. Winter, & J. Eberhardsteiner (Eds.), WCTE 2016 e-book : containing all full papers submitted to the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), (2037-2044
This paper presents a novel method of automating the structural design of timber connections and ensuring code compliance within a Building Information Modelling (BIM) context...
An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments.
Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (1998)
An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments. In W. Banzhaf, J. M. Daida, A. E. Eiben, M. H. Garzon, V. Honavar, M. Jakiela, & R. E. Smith (Eds.), GECCO-99 : proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference. Volume 2, 1559-1566
This paper describes the application of an artificial immune system, (AIS), model to a scheduling application, in which sudden changes in the scheduling environment require th...
Development of new standards for sound insulation for new housing in Scotland.
Conference Proceeding
Smith, S., MacKenzie, R. & Wood, J. B. (2008)
Development of new standards for sound insulation for new housing in Scotland
During the last 20 years minor amendments have been made to the technical design details for the Scottish Technical Standards for new build attached homes, under Section 5: No...
Methods of quality control of airborne and impact sound insualtion in newly built residential buildings.
Conference Proceeding
Prokofieva, E. & Smith, S. (2007)
Methods of quality control of airborne and impact sound insualtion in newly built residential buildings
The standard method of sound insulation testing in dwellings is pre-completion testing of separating walls and
floors during the building process. The main disadvantage of thi...
Airborne sound transmission, ISO 140 and influence of ISO 717-1 spectrum adaptation terms.
Conference Proceeding
Smith, S., Macdonald, R., Lurcock, D., & Mackenzie, R. (2007)
Airborne sound transmission, ISO 140 and influence of ISO 717-1 spectrum adaptation terms
Performance of party walls and floors.
Conference Proceeding
Smith, S. (2000)
Performance of party walls and floors