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49 results

Putting Foucault to work in tourism research

Journal Article
Wight, A. C. (2019)
Putting Foucault to work in tourism research. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(1), 122-133.
This paper reflects on Foucault's Archaeology of Knowledge as a methodological approach in tourism research. It offers lessons from recent research focused on critiquing herit...

Lithuanian genocide heritage as discursive formation

Journal Article
Wight, A. C. (2016)
Lithuanian genocide heritage as discursive formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 59, 60-78.
This paper presents a synthesis of Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge and the concept of discursive formation to critique museums and sites of memory as spaces in which compe...

Tourist Attractions: From Object to Narrative (Johan R. Edelheim)

Journal Article
Urquhart, E. (2017)
Tourist Attractions: From Object to Narrative (Johan R. Edelheim). Tourism Analysis, 22(4), 595-597
No abstract available.

Networking in the Homestay Sector

Journal Article
Lynch, P. A. (2000)
Networking in the Homestay Sector. Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 95-116.
This paper provides a case study on the management of private home accommodation used to house overseas guests who are primarily registered as students with the English as a f...

Event Design in outdoor music festival audience behaviour (a critical transformative research note)

Journal Article
Robertson, M., Hutton, A., & Brown, S. (2018)
Event Design in outdoor music festival audience behaviour (a critical transformative research note). Event Management, 22(6), 1073-1081.
This work, a conceptual forward-looking paper, examines the management of audiences at music festivals now and indicates a critical manoeuvre of focus for the future. The theo...

Dubai's tourism industry and its societal impact: social implications and sustainable challenges

Journal Article
Stephenson, M. L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2010)
Dubai's tourism industry and its societal impact: social implications and sustainable challenges. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 8(4), 278-292.
This paper initially outlines the principles and strategies underpinning Dubai's ambitious plans to develop a rather unique destination of international distinction. The discu...

The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions

Urquhart, E. A. The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
As a theoretical construct, co-creation has received significant attention in the service management field and is increasingly being applied to experiential industries such as...

Technological mediation in the future of experiential tourism

Journal Article
Urquhart, E. (2019)
Technological mediation in the future of experiential tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures, 5(2), 120-126.
Purpose – This article considers the role that technology may play in the future of experiential tourism. This viewpoint paper begins to question future developments in techno...

Small Business Networking and Tourism Destination Development: A Comparative Perspective

Journal Article
Tinsley, R., & Lynch, P. A. (2007)
Small Business Networking and Tourism Destination Development: A Comparative Perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 8(1), 15-27.
This paper compares two localities of marked social, cultural and economic difference in relation to small tourism business networking and formalization of tourism destination...

Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia

Stewart, H., Smith, S., Baxter, R., Ali-Knight, J., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University
Unlock & Revive is a multi-disciplinary action-research project that involves multiple partners. It is a highly collaborative project aimed at supporting the wellbeing of peop...