47 results

The Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Association Meetings and Events

Journal Article
Lockstone-Binney, L., Whitelaw, P., Robertson, M., Junek, O., & Michael, I. (2014)
The Motives of Ambassadors in Bidding for International Association Meetings and Events. Event Management, 18(1), 65-74. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599514x13883555341931
As destinations contest the rights to host international association-based meetings and events, competitive points of difference in the bidding process can mean the success or...

Event studies: finding fool's gold at the rainbow's end?

Journal Article
Baum, T., Lockstone-Binney, L., & Robertson, M. (2013)
Event studies: finding fool's gold at the rainbow's end?. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 4(3), 179-185. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijefm-06-2013-0014
Purpose The aim of this opinion piece is to seek to cast a critical eye over the event studies field to chart its progress as an emerging area of study, relative to its close ...

Event futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration

Journal Article
Jaimangal-Jones, D., Robertson, M., & Jackson, C. (2018)
Event futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 9(2), 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEFM-05-2018-0032
This special issue has at its centre the theme Event Futures: innovation, creativity and collaboration. This theme was the basis of the Association for Events Management Educa...

A futurist’s view on the future of events

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., & Smith, K. (2011)
A futurist’s view on the future of events. In J. Connell, & S. J. Page (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Events. , (507-525). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203803936.ch32
Events are significant in today’s society. They have links to religion, to culture, to sport, to community, to commerce, and to political, policy and microeconomic and macroec...

An introduction to the future

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., McMahon-Beattie, U., Backer, E., & Smith, K. (2014)
An introduction to the future. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, McMahon-Beattie, E. Backer, & K. Smith (Eds.), The Future of Events and Festivals. , (3-9). Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis
No abstract available.

Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study

Conference Proceeding
Lees, G., Morrison, A., & Robertson, M. (2014)
Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study. In S. Rundle-Thiele, K. Kubacki, & D. Arli (Eds.), ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014, Proceedings (218-225
The paper seeks to further understand the sport market structure. In doing so it considers whether New Zealand sport event markets follow the Duplication of Purchase Law or wh...

Visitor management for festivals and events

Book Chapter
Yeoman, I., McMahon-Beattie, U., & Robertson, M. (2004)
Visitor management for festivals and events. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, J. Ali-Knight, S. Drummond, & U. McMahon-Beattie (Eds.), Festival and Events Management. , (65-79). Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-7506-5872-0.50010-7
This chapter draws on a number of models to animate the need for a visitor manage to balance the requirements of demand forecasting and managing capacity with appropriate leve...

Is This for Real? Authentic Learning for the Challenging Events Environment

Journal Article
Robertson, M., Junek, O., & Lockstone-Binney, L. (2012)
Is This for Real? Authentic Learning for the Challenging Events Environment. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 12(3), 225-241. https://doi.org/10.1080/15313220.2012.704245
This article explores a set of emerging competencies that education providers will be increasingly compelled to consider and, more importantly, embed in their event management...

Signals and Signposts of the Future: Literary Festival Consumption in 2050

Journal Article
Robertson, M., & Yeoman, I. (2014)
Signals and Signposts of the Future: Literary Festival Consumption in 2050. Tourism Recreation Research, 39(3), 321-342. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2014.11087004
This conceptual paper uses a scenario planning process to facilitate possible futures for literary festivals, a form of festival tourism that has grown rapidly in the develope...

Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures

Robertson, M. J. (2016)
Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/979708
As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discussion with regard to sustainability in which th...