Engaging with new consumer markets – Museum Events and Generation Y
Conference Proceeding
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2014)
Engaging with new consumer markets – Museum Events and Generation Y. In Proceedings of the International Conference Marketing Trends 2014
No abstract available
Gen Y: The Impact of Generational Changes in Consumer Behaviour on the Marketing of Tourist Attractions
Conference Proceeding
Leask, A., Barron, P., & Ensor, J. (2012)
Gen Y: The Impact of Generational Changes in Consumer Behaviour on the Marketing of Tourist Attractions
This research study compares and contrasts the marketing strategies adopted by operators of tourist attractions aiming to engage effectively with Generation Y (Gen Y) consumer...
Generation Y: A supply-side comparative study of Western and Asian visitor attractions.
Conference Proceeding
Leask, A., Fyall, A., & Barron, P. (2012)
Generation Y: A supply-side comparative study of Western and Asian visitor attractions. In 2nd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference Proceedings Book
No abstract available.
Exploring film induced tourism implications on onsite heritage interpretation at heritage visitor attractions
Conference Proceeding
Bakiewicz, J., & Leask, A. (2014)
Exploring film induced tourism implications on onsite heritage interpretation at heritage visitor attractions. In M. Kozak, & N. Kozak (Eds.), 7th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism Hospitality and Leisure Proceedings Book, (388-393
The previous research in the area of film induced tourism, although widely acknowledged, was not concerned with built heritage sites which have inherent restricti...
The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions
Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, E. (2017)
The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions. In PhD Workshop Research Proposals. , (113-118
As a sector reliant on the creation of memorable experiences, visitor attractions (VAs) have increasingly turned to interactive technology as a platform for engaging and commu...
Building resilience and future proofing events education
Conference Proceeding
Jaimangal-Jones, D., Jackson, C., & Robertson, M. (2021)
Building resilience and future proofing events education
This session explores issues surrounding the design and delivery of Event Management programmes, specifically those related to their resilience and futureproofing. It addresse...
Managing Visitor Attractions – Comparisons of International Management Practice,
Conference Proceeding
Leask, A., Garrod, B., & Fyall, A. (2004)
Managing Visitor Attractions – Comparisons of International Management Practice,. In Proceedings of Tourism: State of the Art II conference
No abstract available.
So, What Do You Want?” Recasting Public Value in The Tourism Domain
Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C., & McMillan, J. (in press)
So, What Do You Want?” Recasting Public Value in The Tourism Domain. In The Human Touch in Hospitality: 30th Council for Hospitality Management Education 2022
In existing tourism literature, there is a lack of understanding of the public values on the basis of which tourism is understood and the tourism public sphere is constructed....
Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study
Conference Proceeding
Lees, G., Morrison, A., & Robertson, M. (2014)
Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study. In S. Rundle-Thiele, K. Kubacki, & D. Arli (Eds.), ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014, Proceedings (218-225
The paper seeks to further understand the sport market structure. In doing so it considers whether New Zealand sport event markets follow the Duplication of Purchase Law or wh...
From destination management organisations to destination organisations in Scotland and Denmark: multi-level governance versus localism
Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C., & Halkier, H. (2014)
From destination management organisations to destination organisations in Scotland and Denmark: multi-level governance versus localism. In S. Gyimóthy, M. Möckel, & A. Budeanu (Eds.), The Values of Tourism (111
Although a lot of previous research on destination management had focused on the relevance of destination marketing organisations in improving destination competitiveness (Pik...