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37 results

Evolution of Diverse, Manufacturable Robot Body Plans

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, E., Le Goff, L., Hart, E., Eiben, A. E., De Carlo, M., Li, W., …Tyrrell, A. M. (2020)
Evolution of Diverse, Manufacturable Robot Body Plans. In 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (2132-2139).
Advances in rapid prototyping have opened up new avenues of research within Evolutionary Robotics in which not only controllers but also the body plans (morphologies) of robot...

Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2014)
Artificial Immune System driven evolution in Swarm Chemistry. In Proceedings of IEEE SASO 2014, (40-49).
Morphogenetic engineering represents an interesting field in which models, frameworks and algorithms can be tested in order to study how self-* properties and emergent behavio...

Evolution of a Functionally Diverse Swarm via a Novel Decentralised Quality-Diversity Algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., Steyven, A. S. W., & Paechter, B. (2018)
Evolution of a Functionally Diverse Swarm via a Novel Decentralised Quality-Diversity Algorithm. In GECCO '18 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, (101-108).
The presence of functionality diversity within a group has been demonstrated to lead to greater robustness, higher performance and increased problem-solving ability in a broad...

The Cost of Communication: Environmental Pressure and Survivability in mEDEA

Conference Proceeding
Steyven, A., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2015)
The Cost of Communication: Environmental Pressure and Survivability in mEDEA. In Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO Companion '15, 1239-1240. doi:10.1145/2739482.2768489
We augment the mEDEA algorithm to explicitly account for the costs of communication between robots. Experimental results show that adding a costs for communication exerts envi...

Hybridisation of Evolutionary Algorithms through hyper-heuristics for global continuous optimisation

Conference Proceeding
Segredo, E., Lalla-Ruiz, E., Hart, E., Paechter, B., & Voß, S. (2016)
Hybridisation of Evolutionary Algorithms through hyper-heuristics for global continuous optimisation. In P. Festa, M. Sellmann, & J. Vanschoren (Eds.), Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 10th International Conference, LION 10, Ischia, Italy, May 29 -- June 1, 2016 (296-305).
Choosing the correct algorithm to solve a problem still remains an issue 40 years after the Algorithm Selection Problem was first posed. Here we propose a hyper-heuristic whic...

Understanding Environmental Influence in an Open-Ended Evolutionary Algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Steyven, A., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2016)
Understanding Environmental Influence in an Open-Ended Evolutionary Algorithm. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIV; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , (921-931).
It is well known that in open-ended evolution, the nature of the environment plays in key role in directing evolution. However, in Evolutionary Robotics, it is often unclear e...

On the Synthesis of Perturbative Heuristics for Multiple Combinatorial Optimisation Domains

Conference Proceeding
Stone, C., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2018)
On the Synthesis of Perturbative Heuristics for Multiple Combinatorial Optimisation Domains. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV 15th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8–12, 2018, Proceedings, Part I
Hyper-heuristic frameworks, although intended to be cross-domain at the highest level, rely on a set of domain-specific low-level heuristics at lower levels. For some domains,...

Idiotypic networks for evolutionary controllers in virtual creatures.

Conference Proceeding
Capodieci, N., Hart, E., & Cabri, G. (2014)
Idiotypic networks for evolutionary controllers in virtual creatures. In H. Sayama, J. Rieffel, S. Risi, R. Doursat, & H. Lipson (Eds.), Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of ALife, 14th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, (192-199).
We propose a novel method for evolving adaptive locomotive strategies for virtual limbless creatures that addresses both functional and non-functional requirements, respective...

Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism

Conference Proceeding
Perret, C., Powers, S. T., Pitt, J., & Hart, E. (2018)
Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism. In T. Ikegami, N. Virgo, O. Witkowski, M. Oka, R. Suzuki, & H. Iizuka (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life
Hierarchy is an efficient way for a group to organize, but often goes along with inequality that benefits leaders. To control despotic behaviour, followers can assess leaders'...

A Novel Heuristic Generator for JSSP Using a Tree-Based Representation of Dispatching Rules

Conference Proceeding
Sim, K., & Hart, E. (2015)
A Novel Heuristic Generator for JSSP Using a Tree-Based Representation of Dispatching Rules. In GECCO Companion '15 Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (1485-1486).
A previously described hyper-heuristic framework named NELLI is adapted for the classic Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) and used to find ensembles of reusable heuristics th...