Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children
Journal Article
Piotrowska, B., Murray, J., Willis, A., & Kerridge, J. (2017)
Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children. Journal of Vision, 17(10), 640.
Developmental dyslexia is a disorder characterised by difficulties with reading, despite adequate intelligence and education. Phonological deficits are often indicated as the ...
Modelling test data for performance evaluation of large parallel database machines
Journal Article
Bates, C., Jelly, I., & Kerridge, J. (1996)
Modelling test data for performance evaluation of large parallel database machines. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 4(1), 5-23.
Parallel servers offer improved processing power for relational database systems and provide system scalability. In order to support the users of these systems, new ways of as...
Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal-Plus, occam and edison
Journal Article
Kerridge, J. M., & Simpson, D. (1984)
Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal-Plus, occam and edison. Software: Practice and Experience, 14(1), 3-15.
Three currently available concurrent language systems, Pascal‐Plus, occam and Edison, are used to implement a controller for a robot arm. The robot arm allows real parallelism...
An architecture and syntax for distributed databases
Journal Article
Alexander, H., Beetstra, T., Bell, D., Cannan, S., Dee, E., Doyle, P., …Weatherhead, A. (1984)
An architecture and syntax for distributed databases. Computers and Standards, 3(1), 33-56.
Recently, there has been a lot of work undertaken in the area of distributed databases. The architecture and syntax presented in this paper is a response to the very real need...
Simulating microprocessor systems using occam and a network of transputers
Journal Article
Gorton, I., Kerridge, J., & Jervis, B. (1989)
Simulating microprocessor systems using occam and a network of transputers. IEE proceedings. Part E, Computers and digital techniques, 136(1), 22-28.
The simulation at component level of microprocessor systems provides a precise technique for evaluating the design of a system with regards to its requirements specification. ...
Communicating parallel processes
Journal Article
Kerridge, J., & Simpson, D. (1986)
Communicating parallel processes. Software: Practice and Experience, 16(1), 63-86.
By considering the problem of an event timer it is shown that the commonly available synchronizing facilities (monitors, CSP, distributed processes) are not able to always sat...
Modelling saturated traffic networks using massively parallel computing techniques
Journal Article
Lu, K., Jones, J., & Kerridge, J. (1994)
Modelling saturated traffic networks using massively parallel computing techniques. Traffic engineering & control, 35(7/8), 433-436
A technique for modelling the flow of motor vehicle traffic in congested urban signal-controlled networks using parallel computing is presented. A brief overview of traffic si...
A simulator for teaching computer architecture
Journal Article
Kerridge, J. M., & Willis, N. (1980)
A simulator for teaching computer architecture. Sigcse Bulletin, 12(2), 65-71.
This paper describes the specification, implementation and use of a computer system simulator. The simulator project was begun as a result of teaching a second year undergradu...
PATCOSY--A Database System for the National Health Service
Journal Article
Kerridge, J. M. (1976)
PATCOSY--A Database System for the National Health Service. Computer Journal, 19(2), 98-103.
PATCOSY (PATient COmputer SYstem) is a data base system which has been designed specifically for the National Health Service environment. The structure of PATCOSY therefore re...
The activities of the BCS/CODASYL DDLC DBAWG
Journal Article
Kerridge, J. (1982)
The activities of the BCS/CODASYL DDLC DBAWG. Computers and Standards, 1(2-3), 161-165.
The DBAWG is a research group, based in the United Kingdom, which is working on facilities for data administration. In particular the DBAWG has developed language specificatio...